Water tankers deliver to high-elevation locations; Vicente Corral hospital adds interns; Concert for emotional intelligence; Training for cultural skills

Aug 24, 2024 | 0 comments

Viernes, 23/8/2024

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

Organizan talleres para los gestores culturales (Workshops organized for cultural managers) – The Dirección de Cultura del Municipio de Cuenca announced a series of specialized workshops aimed at cultural actors and managers to boost training and professionalization in different artistic disciplines. Participants will gain new abilites, perfect their techniques and expand their knowledge in the cultural sphere. The workshops will start el 28/8. If interested, register through the social networks of the Dirección de Cultura.

Cuenca’s Vicente Corral hospital, the city’s largest hospital, will soon add 160 medical interns to its staff. The interns will receive training in hospital procedures and provide support to the current staff, which administrators say in below the optimum level.

Un concierto enfocado en la inteligancia emocional (A concert focused on emotional intelligence) – The Casa de la Cultura is inviting the public to participate in a concert focused on the “Desarrollo de la Inteligencia Emocional” (Development of Emotional Intelligence) with members of the Academia de Música “Acordes.” <Who the CCE should be inviting is “all politicians.”> The concert is designed to explore and promote emotional competence through music and art. It will be held el sábado, 24/8 a las 14:00 in the Auditorio “Catalina Sojos” on the 3d floor of the CCE. (Pres. Córdova 7-89). Cost: $3.50.

Titular –

Con tanqueros se abastece de agua a 43 comunidades (Water supplied to 43 communities by tankers) – A resident of the Guariviña community in Turi parish said “Finally we have water to cook with” after the water tanker supplying water got to her house. She is one of 8,300 users of the Junta Administradora de Agua Potable y Saneamiento (JAAPyS) Proyecto Nero which supplies 43 communities and because of the drought, was affected by water rationing. Dozens of residents waited for the water tanker at the doors to their houses, ready to fill plastic buckets, tubs, pots or other containers. <If you had to get your water from a tanker, do you have a container big enough to get through at least 24 hours? Or would a shopping trip to the plastics section of your local mercado be in your future? The stockpot that might be big enough is too heavy for me to lift when it’s full of liquid – usually soup.>

Gustavo Nivicela, president of the JAAPyS said it has one vehicle with 2 tanks and the Government of Azuay is also helping with a tanker. The tankers bring water for a day, mostly to the El Calvario community which is one of the most affected since it is at altitude. <A price you pay for having drop dead views of the city.> The communities of San Pedro, Quillopungo and part of Gualalcay also receive water. Nivicela also said that there are 2 sectors where it is possible to capture water, but the land needs to be purchased and the space for a treatment plant and water mains needs to be defined.

Rodrigo Yungazaca, president of the JAAPyS of Baños said they have 2 water plants capable of treating 25 liters/sec and 61 l/s so they supply users with 90 l/s. But that is possible because they reduce water pressure between 20:30 and 5:00 which allows them to refill their 4 supply tanks at night. They will be able to continue this through the first week in septiembre after which they will process water from the higher elevations in Baños which is used for agriculture until the 2nd week in septiembre. Yungazaca´s opinion is that the drought is a consequence of the effect humans have on nature with burning native forests and from pollution. He called on citizens to care for water and protect the environment. <My question is where do the tankers get their water?>

Cuenca –

160 nuevos internos tendrá el hospital “Vicente Corral” (Vicente Corral” hospital will have 160 new interns) – As of el 1/9, the “Vicente Corral Moscoso” hospital will have 160 new interns in Medicine, Nursing and Clinical Laboratory from the Universities of Cuenca, Azuay and Católica de Cuenca. The goal is to reinforce their regulatory knowledge and the flows and movement of hospital services for adequate performance during the last phase of their professional training. The 115 medical, 44 nursing, and 1 clinical lab interns will rotate through Pediatrics, Gynecology-obstetrics, Clinical and Surgery during the year. <In case you’ve ever wondered about what it takes to be a doctor here. This is one step.>

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –



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