Study recommends 40-cent bus fare; Air quality remains ‘marginal’; Ecuador defeats Peru in Quito; Former presidents ask for Maduro’s arrest

Sep 11, 2024 | 0 comments

A study by the University of Cuenca recommends that municipal bus fares increase from 30 cents to 40 cents. It points out that since the last fare increase, in 2013, inflation has increased 30%. In addition to independent analysis, the study included a series of workshops involving city officials and bus company representatives who say a fare increase is overdue.

In its final report, university researchers said the city should consider increasing its subsidy if the 40-cent rate is not adopted, acknowledging “economic pressure” for a 35-cent fare.

Ecuador’s star striker Enner Valencia, center, celebrates his winning goal against Peru with teammates Tuesday in Quito.

Mayor Cristian Zamora distributed the study report to municipal councilors and said debate on a new fare will begin later this month or in October. He said a final decision will be made by the end of the year, adding that a fare increase for the tranvia will also be discussed.

Ecuador defeats Peru in World Cup qualifier
Ecuador’s national football team defeated Peru 1-0 Tuesday afternoon in Quito, maintaining its position in the qualifying range for 2026 World Cup competition. Although Ecuador dominated play for most of the match and missed several scoring chances, a 54th minute header by star striker Enner Valencia secured the victory.

Ecuador remains unbeaten at home in the qualifiers, with victories over Uruguay, Chile and Peru and a draw against Colombia. Meanwhile, Peru remains at the bottom of the qualifier table.

Air quality remain ‘marginal’
Although air quality in Cuenca has improved since late last week, it remains “marginal” for people with special health conditions, experts say. From Saturday through Tuesday, air quality readings ranged primarily from “good” to “unhealthy for the vulnerable persons.” On three occasions Saturday and Sunday, the reading entered the generally “unhealthy” category, in one case reaching a fine particulate matter reading (PM2.5) of 155.

The Risk Management office says several fires continue to burn in Azuay and Loja Provinces, although most are under control. “The smoke from the fires continues to circulate in Cuenca and the entire inter-mountain valley, causing health concerns,” the office said in a statement.

Medical authorities advise people with respiratory and heart conditions to avoid outdoor exposure as much as possible and to wear face masks when they must be outside.

Former presidents ask for Maduro’s arrest
Thirty former Ibero-American presidents and prime ministers are asking the International Criminal Court (ICC) to issue an arrest warrant for Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro. In a statement issued at the Hague, the Netherlands, the leaders demanded “the immediate capture and detention” of Maduro for committing crimes of state terrorism, systematic violation of human rights and crimes against humanity.

The demand also includes the arrest of Venezuelan Vice President Diosdado Cabello and the civilian and military chain of command.

Among those signing the arrest request are former leaders of Spain, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and 20 other Central and South American countries.

“For the first time in our history, the 31 former heads of state in Latin America and Spain are asking for the capture and arrest of another head of state and his staff — Nicolás Maduro, Diosdado Cabello and others in the power structure of the Venezuelan state,” said former Colombian President Andrés Pastrana, who on behalf of all signatories presented a six-page legal report to the ICC’s prosecutor’s office.

Although many of the charges against Maduro are related to the contested July 28 election, others include prior cases of torture, illegal detainment and illegal enrichment by Maduro and other members of his government.


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