Rediscovering Life After Death: A Journey Through Grief to Rebirth


Grief often feels like a heavy void, impossible to escape. After the loss of my romantic partner and mother in just four months, I questioned whether life could ever be meaningful again. But I’ve learned that grief and love are two sides of the same coin, and beyond grief lies profound love, waiting to be redirected.

This understanding fuels my work as an INELDA-trained end-of-life consultant, where I help others transform grief into personal growth. Grief is not the end; it’s a powerful portal to rediscover yourself, your passions, and the life you’re meant to live.

That’s why I’m so excited about our upcoming retreat, “Echoes of the Heart: Rediscovering Life After Death,” November 22-24. This three-day, two-night immersive retreat offers transformative experiences, including:

-San Pedro Medicine Ceremony for heart-opening insights
-Temazcal Ceremony to release old patterns and rebirth the self
-Shamanic Healing with Taita Ivan to process grief and restore balance
-Biodanza Embodiment to ground new insights through movement

This retreat is for those ready to release the past and open to a vibrant future. If you’re ready to transform your grief into a source of strength and love, we invite you to join us.

Early bird registration is available until October 10th, with a bonus Pathway to Peace coaching session for those who confirm their spot before September 30th.

This journey is about rediscovering life after death. Are you ready to begin?

Colleen Eschenburg


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