Cuenca is the most expensive city; Fertility rate continues decline; New blackout schedule; ‘Sounds of the Andes’ in El Centro; Tour of historic houses

Oct 7, 2024 | 0 comments

Domingo, 6/10/2024

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

De El Mercurio del viernes, 4/10 (1 article):
Centro Agrícola Cantonal alista feria (Cantonal Agricultural Center prepares fair) – The Centro Agrícola Cantonal de Cuenca <I think it’s in Cumbe.> has everything ready for the 71st “Gran Feria Agropecuaria Cuenca 2024.” There will be a grand announcement by horseback in the steets of the city el viernes, 26/10, a rodeo, and music from the “Sonora Dinamita.” The feria will run from el viernes 1/11 to el lunes 4/11 on the grounds of the Centro Agrícola. There will be judging of beef cattle <including tastings? Or would that whole process be too gory for a public used to seeing its beef in plastic packages at the supermarket?>

The Casa de la Lira in the El Vado barrio, built in 1847, is one of the stops on a tour of historic Cuenca houses sponsored by the city of Cuenca. (El Mercurio)

There will also be horse shows <dancing horses? barrel racing? dressage?>, Paso horses, rodeo, a best cuy contest, artistic presentations and more. Karina González, president of the organization, said that Pres. Noboa might show up for the inaugural event on sábado, 2/11.

Titular –

Casas centenarias alojan patrimonio e historia de Cuenca (Centennial houses house heritage and history of Cuenca) – There is a Ruta de las Casas Patrimoniales organized by the Dirección Municipal del Cultura. The tour starts with the Antigua Escuela Central, a house dating to the middle of the 19th century. Located at Gran Colombia y Benigno Malo, the building has served as a school and a hospital. Other houses on the route include the Casa de la Lira, which dates from 1847, in the El Vado barrio, and is also known as the Casa Rodríguez. The Casa de las Posadas at Gran Colombia and Octavio Cordero dates to 1806 when it served as a hostal when people travelled by horse.

Also on the route is the Casa del Alfarero in the Convención del 45 barrio where the art of ceramics has been revived with ceramicists exhibiting their work and teaching their techniques. The Casa Marquez, built in 1872 is on the Cruz el Vado plazoleta. More stops include the Quinta Bolívar, Casa del Artista, and Casa de Chguarchimbana. <I always thought that the historic houses were older than they are.>

Cuenca –

Cuenca se postula como la “ciudad más querida” (Cuenca applies for the “most beloved city”) – Cuenca has joined the world program, “We Love Cities” which seeks to highlight the most loved cities in the world. 190 cities are exhibiting an iconic part of their city, and Cuenca has selected the New Cathedral domes. From el 1-31/10, you can vote for Cuenca at Mayor Zamora emphasized the importance of positioning Cuenca on the tourist map. <So, as they used to say in Chicago, “Vote early and vote often.”>

Circuitos Festival presenta los “Sonidos de los Andes” (Circuitos Festival presents the “Sounds of the Andes”) – From el 9-12/10, the plaza San Francisco will be filled with free music and culture during the IV edition of the Circuitos Festival which will present the “Sonidos de los Andes” this year. The activities offered are inspired by Andean folk culture. Included are guided tours of the Museo de las Culturas Aborígenes, the Museo Agustín Landívar, and the Centro Interameriano de Artes Populares (CIDAP). There will be a workshop on making Andean instruments given by maestro Adolfo Idrovo in Sinincay. Musicians from Quito, Macas, Otavalo, Machala and Cuenca will perform.

De El Mercurio del sábado, 5/10 (1 article):
INEC: la canasta básica en Cuenca llega a USD 841.44 (INEC: the basic basket in Cuenca reaches $841.44) – Cuenca remains the Ecuadorian city with the highest Canasta Familiar Básica (CFB). Quito is 2nd with $837.51, followed by Manta with $823.55, Guayaquil with $818.07, Loja with $799.69, Ambato with $789.04, Esmeraldas with $783.57, and Machala with $780.09. The CFB is a group of 75 essential goods and services to meet the basic necessities for a household of 4 members. It includes food, housing, clothing, and hygiene. Average rent in Cuenca is $249.81 and food and drink is $260.25. As of the past septiembre, the Ingreso Familiar Mensual (IFM – Monthly Family Income), including Cuenca, was $858.67. <I don’t think I know any gringo who’s paying only $250 for rent unless they’re roommates splitting the rent.>

Nacional –

Una sociedad envejecida (An aging society) – Nationally, the fertility rate has decreased drastically. In 1950, women had an average of 6.83 children which was maintained until 1970 when it started to drop. By the 90’s the average was 3.12, in 2022 it was 1.86, and it is expected to reach 1.7 in 2050. The age at which women have their first babies has gone from an average of 24 years in 1950 to 29 years between 2010 and 2022. For life expectancy, in 1950 it was 48 for women and 46 for men. In 2022 it was 81 for women and 74 for men, and expected to be 85 and 79 years by 2050. <Wow, what a jump since 1950.>

De El Mercurio del sábado, 5/10 (1 article):
Proyecto geotérmico en Ecuador (Geothermal project in Ecuador) – Ecuador is planning a geothermal plant in the Chachimbiro zone in Imbabura province with a loan of $43 million from Japan. It will be the first energy project of its kind in Ecuador. The project will be in the Urcuquí parish where there are a lot of hot water springs that have become tourist attractions. <Hmm – time to go up to Baños and soak away the aches and pains from old age.>

Nuevo horario de cortes de energía en Cuenca (New schedule for power outages in Cuenca) – For Monday, Oct. 7 to Thursday, Oct. 10. Go to the Centrosur website and download the new schedule.

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –



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