Cuenca expat business-owner and volunteer Jennifer Martin dies

Nov 22, 2019 | 6 comments

Jennifer Martin

Ordoñez Lasso sidewalk. Emergency responders were unable to resuscitate her and listed heart failure as the cause of the death.

moved to Cuenca from Austin, Texas in 2011 and started Grits Catering Service shortly afterward. An accomplished chef, she catered hundreds of large and small events, often donating her services to charitable causes.

Among her many volunteer activities was teaching cooking to children at a local orphanage. According to friends, her work with at the orphanage was one of the joys of her life. In addition, she worked with Ecuador Cares, where she participated in a number of community projects. “Jennifer had a huge, loving heart and was always filled with high sparkly energy,” said Jackie Kaperick. “She had many friends in Cuenca and will be sorely missed.”

is survived by her mother, three children and four grandchildren, all in the United States.


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