Wait continues for coronavirus test results, City increases ‘no parking’ zones, Rat poop found in pasta factory, Carnaval masquerades at CIDAP

Jan 31, 2020 | 6 comments

Jueves, 30/1/2020

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –
De la pagina cultural –

Exhibición – The show, “La rebelión de las masas” by Damián Sinchi will be at the Sala Proceso in the Casa de la Cultura del Azuay until 28/2. The room is filled with 500 candied apples, real and sculpted, hanging from the ceiling. (An accompanying foto shows a kid biting into, or trying to bite into one of the apples.) <Is spreading germs and viruses interactive art?> The work deals with real v.s. copy, decomposition (of the apple cores after all the biting), original sin (Adam and Eve and the apple), and more. <If you go, bring your fly zapper.>

Rotofest – The call is out for Ecuadorian articipants for the 15th edition of Rotofest del 2020. The call is for 3 categories: electronic music Dj’s; bands playing alternative d-rock, fusion, indie, reggae, ska and punk; and producers of electronic music. Submit your proposals by 14/2 to the official website www.rotofest.com. The festival will be el viernes y sábado, 1 & 2/5.

Performance arts – “La Sociedad de la Alegría” (The Society of Joy) will be presented by students at the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana mañana in the Teatro Carlos Crespi. The show will celebrate San Juan Bosco, the patron saint of the Salesianos, with music, theater and dance.

Carnival masks are on exhibit at CIDAP

Exposición – An exhibit, “Mascaradas en Carnaval” (Carnival masquerades) opened today at CIDAP in the Museo de las Artes Populares de América. It shows the ways Carnaval is celebrated in Ecuador, Argentina, Brazil, México, Bolivia, Chile, Perú, Venezuela, Colombia y Spain, the foods of those countries and the prominent characters.

Concierto – The Argentine indie band Él mató a un policía motorizado (He killed a motorcycle policeman) will be in Cuenca este viernes a las 20:00 in the Teatro Pumapungo. The show is part of their Gira da la Otra Dimensión 2020 (Tour of the Other Dimension 2020) and is considered one of the most important music acts in Latin America. Tickets at Meet2Go.

Del cuerpo del periodico –

Cédulas Interactivas – Two students of graphic design and tourism presented their Cédula Interactivas project in the crypt of the New Cathedral yesterday. The cédulas, mounted in front of a niche, have a photo of and brief information about 13 notable 20th century Cuencanos. Using the Blippar app, tourists can scan the photo and get more photos and information about the person. <“I see dead people.”>

Festividades en Sinincay – Este viernes, the Sinincay parish will start its 167th anniversary celebrations with the election of the queen of the parish. The celebrations will continue on el sábado 8/2 with a music, cultural, and gastronomic festival followed by athletic competitions el domingo in the town center.

Photo contest – The Ministerio del Ambiente and ETAPA are organizing a photo contest for the Día Mundial de los Humedales (World Wetlands Day). The fotos should be of the wetlands or biodiversity of the Parque Nacional Cajas or the Área Nacional de Recreación Quimsacocha. The contest is open until el domingo 2/2 and fotos should be sent to: maedireccionazuay@gmail.com or to svguzman@etapa.net.ec. Prizes will be given for the 5 best photos. <Now I know there a lot of you with good fotos of the Cajas, so send them in.>

Otras cosas –

Titular – Coronavirus tiene en vilo al Ecuador (Coronavirus has Ecuador in suspense) – The results of the samples sent to the CDC in Atlanta still have not been received so it it unknown whether the Chinese citizen in the IESS hospital in Quito hospital has coronavirus. The patient is in critical condition with multiple organ failure and will probably die. The passengers in the seats 8 rows in front of and back of the patient are being followed and those in the seats next to the patient are in home quarantine and receiving daily medical monitoring. None of those 44 passengers have shown symptoms.
Ecuador has taken security measures. Medical teams and nurses are in the ports and airports and are monitoring passengers. They are also at border crossings in Rumichaca and Huaquillas.

More “no parking” zones – The city has painted yellow “no parking” lines on more streets and sidewalks generating complaints from the neighbors. Recently marked areas include the escuela Ciudad de Cuenca, parque Vicente Mideros, Puertas del Sol, near the Feria Libre, El Arenal and clinica Santa Inés. One neighbor said that the parking prohibitions affect the small businesses and tiendas whose few clients can’t park near the store. The director of the Dirección de Gestión de Movilidad (Mobility Management Directorate) explained the criteria for no parking zones. One is that parking slows the traffic flow, another is the width of the street, and a third is turning radii at the ends of blocks and visibility. Another is to keep lanes wide enough for emergency vehicles to access. He admitted that there has not been a quantification <Is that a word, or did I just make it up?> of the number of kilometers of no parking zones in the city. Also this changes daily. <I think Cuenca is ready for some professional traffic planners on staff.>

Rat poop – A noodle factory was closed by ARCSA when rat poop and pests were found in the ingredients used to make the noodles. Inspectors also found dirty utensils and machinery and the spaces used for production, packaging and storage did not meet sanitation laws. The factory will be closed until its administrators can guarantee it can meet conditions required for making food for human consumption. <I wish the article told us which noodles to avoid buying.>

And that´s all for today so Hasta ? –


Editor’s note: Jeanne’s Periodico is a translated digest of news from the Cuenca daily newspaper El Mercurio. If details, such as event dates and times, do not appear in the translation, they did not appear in the newspaper. The text between the carrots, or guillemets (< … >), is Jeanne’s personal opinion and not part of the news translation.


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