Azuay has 211 more deaths than in 2019; U.S. provides ventilators and meds; Fundraiser for Covid tests; New Supermaxi to be Ecuador’s best

Aug 7, 2020 | 31 comments

Jueves, 6/8/2020

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –
De la pagina cultural –

Benefit concert – The “El Chirlazo” collective of independent artists has organized benefits for vulnerable sectors most affected by the pandemic. There will be a music and comedy show el 27/8 a las 18:00. The $3.00 cost for the show will benefit the Sociedad de No Videntes de Azuay (SONVA – Society for the Blind of Azuay) so it can get the machinery needed for their dried fruit packing and sales project. You can deposit to savings account #2395159 at the Jardín Azuayo cooperativa in the name of Maira González. <Don’t throw away your receipt – you might need it. Plus 2 color copies of your cedula and your voting certificate.>

Childrens’ story contest – The Centro Regional para el Fomento del Libro en América Latina y el Caribe (Regional Center for Book Promotion in Latin America and the Caribbean) and UNESCO are organizing the “Los Cuentos del Viento” (The Tales of the Wind) contest. Families can video stories and share them on their own Facebook and Instagram accounts with the label #loscuentosdelviento. The stories need to address the questions of how you are taking care of yourselves during the lock down, what are your relationships with your friends, family or neighbors like during the pandemic; and how can we construct a different world after the pandemic is gone. After you have put your story up, go fill out the form at

Otras cosas –

Cuenca residents wait in line for Covid-19 tests. (El Mercurio)

Titular – Revisarán planillas (Bills will be reviewed) – The Gobierno Nacional will subsidize about half or 373,000 electricity rate payers in Zone 6 by $3,875,000 by assuming the value of the extra electrical consumption from marzo hasta agosto. The amounts received will be the excess over what you paid in 2019. If you owe Centro Sur, you can arrange a payment plan. If you used more electricity in 2019 than in 2020 the revision will be to your benefit. If you already paid the high bills, your money will be refunded. <I think the writers assumed that ratepayers can go to Centro Sur and get their questions answered. They forgot the non-Spanish speakers who couldn’t even frame the question they want answered.>

Covid update – Cuenca has reached 153 deaths in public hospitals from Covid, but the real number could be higher. For the period from marzo a julio de 2020,the Registro Civil shows an increase of 211 excess deaths deaths in Azuay compared to 2019. ECU-911 has been called to pick up 426 bodies in the province with 311 of those in Cuenca. 49 were from hospitals, and 262 from homes and streets.

Cañar province with 2nd fewest cases in country – Cañar Province has had 844 Covid cases with 623 recoveries making it the province with the 2nd fewest cases. The cantons of La Troncal, Azogues, Cañar y El Tambo account for 90% of the cases. <Seems like the safest place to live is way out in el campo somewhere. Especially if you don’t need to go into town for anything.>

More students in public schools – According to Monserrat (I like that name for the word of the day just because it’s a pretty name) Creamer, minister of education, the sistema fiscal (public school system) received from 80,000 to 100,000 new students for the 2020-2021 school year. Just in Zone 6, more than 26,000 kids have registered including students from particular (private) and fiscomisional (a school that is partially funded with public support, with the rest from tuitions) schools since the economic situation of many parents has changed. Classes in the Sierra and Amazonía start 1/9 and will be conducted on-line.

Hogar Tadeo Torres needs help – The center takes care of about 30 children including babies and there is a shortfall in their budget which didn’t include Covid expenses. The Center needs medical supplies, masks, bio-security suits, medicines, diapers, and more, or non-perishable food.

Fundraising ad – Azuay Province – The province is asking for donations for PCR tests, medical supplies, and PPE for health workers. Be part of the Colecta Solidaria on martes, 11/8/2020 starting at 10:00. Make your donation in the cuenta de ahorros (savings account) # 0400554838 at the Banco del Austro, to Azuay Solidaria COVID19, ID # 0103521415; or thourgh or directly into a collection box in the Casa de la Provincia (frente (across the street from) the parque de San Blas). This collection drive will be supported by locally and nationally known artists who will be broadcast on the main radio and TV stations in Cuenca and on the social networks of the Prefectura del Azuay. <Sounds sort of like a telethon, albeit a low budget one.>

Ecuador 1st to receive medicine – Through the efforts of the US Embassy in Ecuador, the country will be the first to receive Gilead Sciences’ drug Remdesivir, used to treat Covid-19. Ambassador Michael J. Fitzpatrick, said a shipment of the antiviral medicine, without clinical trials, will arrive in Ecuador. It would treat about 300 critical patients <guinea pigs – it doesn’t sound like this drug has completed its trials as a covid remedy.> Each treatment costs $3,000. At a ceremony, 200 of the latest ventilators were also formally delivered. A Covid-19 test kit thermocycler was donated to the Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública de Quito by the International Atomic Energy Agency. The US has given $23 million to Ecuador to fight the virus with an additional $4.3 million donation from State Department Funds.

More gastronomic options in el centro – The local market has reinvented itself during the pandemic. Not only local stores, but franchises have had success. Franchises are not new to Ecuador. For example, Ecuador has 27 brands with 121 locations just from Spain. There is a “Dunkin Donuts” on Luis Cordero. A donut costs $1.70. <I sure don’t remember donuts being that expensive, but it’s been a long time since I’ve lived in the US.> It also offers breakfast such as a bacon-cheese muffin for $.55. Also on Cordero, is “La Creme” which serves American, Continental, and an Italian breakfast with more a la carte choices; and Latitud Cero for beer lovers. The restored “Casa del Parque,” also known as the old casa Ordóñez Mata holds several restaurants from sweets and small bites at “a punto de nieve, panadería & repostería” to La Gata which specializes in breakfasts. Closer to Gran Colombia you will find the Picantes de Leo, a seafood and comida tipica restaurant. Cuenca’s international population is reflected in its gastronomy. On Benigno Malo in the Seminario San Luis, there is Le Bistro Cuenca with French food, and the Cruces al Carbón&Café with burgers and a grill.

Supermaxi El Vergel – The $4 million remodeling job will be done in a couple of months. The work started in febero and continued until marzo when it was suspended due to the health emergency. Work resumed in mayo. Álvaro Rotembach, representative of the Corporación Favorita said it will be the best Supermaxi in the country. <Will it have a food court so extensive that all you’ll need is a microwave to reheat stuff?> The Supermaxi brand is 40 years old and the store in El Vergel has been there for over 35 years.

Descuentos y compras –

<I’m starting to think that this section would be more appropriate for the “more gastronomic options” article.>

And that´s all for today so Hasta ? –



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