
The first aircraft for Línea Aire de Cuenca, Cuenca´s new airline, has arrived in Ecuador, although a start date for flights to Quito and Guayaquil remains to be established. The airlines, call letters LAC, said it has begun hiring airport staff and hopes to be flying sometime in May. A Canadian-made Bombardier CRJ700, with capacity...
A year ago, in Action Comics, Superman declared plans to renounce his U.S. citizenship. 'Truth, justice, and the American way' — it's not enough anymore," the comic book superhero said, after both the Iranian and American governments criticized him for joining a peaceful anti-government protest in Tehran. Last year, almost 1,800 people followed Superman's lead,...
In 1897, 16-year-old Rosalía Suarez carried ice from Mt. Imbabura to her home in Ibarra in northern Ecuador. In a large copper pail, she mixed tropical fruit juices with the ice, inventing “helados de paila,” or copper-pail sherbet. Nearly 115 years later, Rosalía’s ice cream shop is still using the original recipe: ice, sugar, and...
Health care, both the quality and the cost, is a prime concern for anyone approaching retirement. Some retirees are moving abroad in order to get access to top-notch health care at affordable prices. Here’s the good news: You have an excellent option for arranging access to world class medical care that is as good or...
Cuenca may quietly be establishing itself as an international center for civil and system engineers, according to Ramiro Crespo, editorial board chairman for Analytica Investments. Crespo cites the story of Javier Ordóñez, a consultant for the risk management software company, Palisade Corp. of Ithica, New York. Ordóñez recently relocated from Ithica to his native Cuenca...
The lands of the Shuar Indians in the Amazon are rich in wildlife such as tapirs, toucans and red howler monkeys. They also hold treasures more coveted by outsiders: rich deposits of copper and other minerals that the government is eager to cash in on. Projects to build open pit mines that would rip into...
Editor´s note: Christine Collins and her husband moved to Cuenca in August, 2011, after vacationing here several months earlier. They had lived in a large expat community near Lake Chapala, Mexico prior to relocating. She is thrilled to report that they have just received their residency status and cedulas and can finally ship their household...
There are no ivy-covered walls at Alfredo Pérez Guerrero University. No quad. No soccer fields. The entire campus fits in four small, rented buildings on the fringes of a modest residential neighborhood. Its main entrance is on a busy street, between a furniture shop and a store that sells remote-controlled toy cars and airplanes. But...
by Susan Schenck  I pondered the menu at Cuenca’s hot new healthy restaurant: Live Organic, located at Gran Columbia 9-87 and Padre Aguirre.  I felt like I was back in California as I saw ingredients I hadn’t ever seen in Cuenca restaurants, such as superfoods like goji berries, hemp seeds, kale, wheatgrass, maca, acai berry...
Although Cuenca enjoys a well-earned reputation as Ecuador’s arts capital, Sonia Punin sees a problem. “We are home to an international art biennale and have several artists with international reputations, but we also have many other talented artists who are struggling to get their work in front of the public,” she says. “It is a...
The author, Janet Greidanus, has been travelling to Ecuador annually for the past 10 years as a team member of Operation Esperanza (see, a humanitarian mission led by her husband, Dr. Thomas Greidanus. Operation Esperanza provides free hip and knee replacement surgery for poor adult Ecuadoreans, surgery for children with dislocated hips and club...
The fight goes on for Rafael Correa, the president of Ecuador, who has been in a relentless donnybrook with his country’s news media almost from the day he took office five years ago. At the end of February, he pardoned three executives and a columnist at El Universo, a leading conservative newspaper, who were sentenced...

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Hogar Esperanza – News

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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