
Following months of delay, the project to rebuild Parque de la Madre is scheduled to break ground March 19. The work includes construction of a 240-car underground garage, installation of a state-of-the-art asphalt running track and an outdoor concert stage. The $1.2 million project, which officials say will take nine months, also includes extensive re-landscaping....
When Connie and Mark Pombo decided in 2010 to retire abroad, they searched for locations online. Ecuador seemed to have everything they wanted, so Mark, who had recently retired from the United Parcel Service, flew south to visit. He was impressed. Three months later, the couple sold their Lancaster, Pennsylvania, home and packed their suitcases....
It has been sought for centuries but remained a mystery, still out of reach. Now an expert has pinpointed a site that could be Atahualpa's resting place in Ecuador: the last Inca emperor's tomb. "This is an absolutely important find for the history of Ecuador's archeology and for the [Andean] region," said Patrimony Minister Maria...
By Susan Schenck From nearly anywhere in Cuenca, look south (toward the rivers), then raise your gaze and you’ll see a big white church on a hill. The Church of Turi, with a commanding view of the entire Andean valley, has been home to civilzations for thousands of years. The trip up to Mirador de...
Ketzel Levine is sitting in a vegetarian restaurant in Cuenca. She pauses in her narrative of how she went from a long career at National Public Radio to animal advocacy in Cuenca, and checks her watch. She has an important commitment to keep. Then she continues, "If I hadn't been laid off from NPR, would...
Although 2011 was an extraordinarily rainy year in Cuenca, the city fared better than most of the country. Some provinces on the coast and in the northern Andean inter-mountain region have been devasted by floods and landslides, receiving as much as 300% of average annual rainfall totals. Rainfall was close to the record-setting totals of...
Two study committees are considering limiting the amount of natural gas and gasoline provided at government subsized prices. Currently, gasoline is sold at less than 50% of market price while natural gas is sold at less than 20% of market price. President Rafael Correa, who says he hopes to have a new system in place...
Geologic tests continue in preparation of construction of Cuenca´s Cuatro Rios Tram system, expected to begin in less than a year. The first phase of the light rail project will include 14 kilometers of track with routes parralling Av. Espania, Tres de Noviembre and Av. Las Americas, and in the historic district, Calles Gran Colombia...
Ever dream of leaving it all behind and heading out of America? You’re not the only one. A new study shows that more U.S. citizens than ever before are living outside of the country. According to statistics from the U.S. State Department, more than 6.4 million Americans are either working, studying or retiring overseas, which...
“It reminds me of Austin, Texas." “It’s straight out of San Diego.” “It would be right at home in Boston.” These are a few of the comments from expats about the San Sebas Café, which opened in mid-December on Mariscal Sucre and Coronel Talbot at the southwest corner of San Sebastian Square. With its warm...
By Dr. Lee Dubs    Author's Note: For the purpose of narrowing the field of subject matter in this article, the term “Americans” is used to refer to people from the United States. There is a specific Spanish adjective for U.S. citizens – estadounidenses – which does not have an equivalent in English. The word “americanos”...
by Tom McNaughton The second round of the Cuenca Cup was played on October 27th. It was a tough crowd that night. It started with TC Tahoe warming them up with a few card tricks and sleight-of-hand moves that left everyone with jaws hanging. No one knows TC’s real name, but after 30 years on...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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