
When a friend told me recently that there are 4,000 gringos living permanently in Cuenca, I asked where he got his information. “I read it in a blog,” he said.  “Who’s blog?” I asked. “I don’t remember,” he answered.  My friend had more alarming news to share: gringos are driving up real estate prices in Cuenca. “Did...
The following is by Charles R. Phillips, an Ecuador resident. He is the author of Blue Book for Grassroots Politics, published by Thomas Nelson & Co. Phillips is retired and lives in Cuenca. One of the most difficult decisions for new expats — after deciding to make Ecuador their home — is whether or not...
Referred to by a travel magazine in 2008 as Cuenca’s version of Rick’s Café of Casablanca movie fame, the Eucalyptus Café is easily the city’s best known restaurant and bar among tourists and foreign residents. Lonely Planet rates it the “Pick of Cuenca” and Fodor's gives it its 2010 "Award of Distinction." Established in 2002, it is the...
Editor’s Note: Frank and Shel Drake scouted Ecuador in February and March looking for a retirement and expatriation destination; the story of how and where they found it is told in 10 installments on This is the second installment of a new series on getting ready to move to Cuenca. Frank is a seasoned globe-trotter...
The owners of bars, liquor stores and gas station convenience stores are up in arms about new nationwide restrictions on the sale of alcoholic. They say that tens of thousands of job will be lost and that the new rules are a draconian response to problems that could be solved through better law enforcement. The...
Editor’s Note: Frank and Shel Drake scouted Ecuador in February and March looking for a retirement and expatriation destination; the story of how and where they found it is told in 10 installments on This is the first installment of a new series on getting ready to move to Cuenca. Frank is a seasoned...
If you’re looking for the best home cooking, U.S.-style, in Cuenca, check out California Kitchen. Many of those who have say the cooking is not only the best in Cuenca but better than anything they’ve had the States as well. Opened in April by California family George, Carol, Susie and Jim Evans, the Kitchen has quickly...
Minister of Electricity Miguel Calahorrano says that last week’s start-up of the new hydro electric facility at Mazar signals the beginning of energy independence for Ecuador. He added that it also means that the type of electric blackouts experienced in the country during last fall’s severe drought are much less likely.  One of the two...
The Tungurahua volcano in Ecuador’s central Andes continues to show signs of increasing activity, forcing an early end to the school year for hundreds of students in the town of Baños. The school closings were announced shortly after civil defense authorities ordered mandatory evacuations of 11 villages on the flanks of the volcano. After four years...
Ecuador’s Geophysical Institute reported early Sunday morning that activity at Volcan Tungurahua continued to subside. "There has been a decrease in the activity of the volcano,” the institute said in its morning bulletin. The statement emphasized, however, that the danger was not over and new eruptions were possible. Lava continued to flow from the crater,...
The eruption of Ecuador's Tungurahua volcano has forced the evacuation of a dozen towns and villages in the central sierra and has blanketed parts of the coast in ash. The ash cloud, moving in a west, southwesterly direction, was also disrupting national and international air travel as the Guayaquil airport was forced to close at...
  Note: this article is a blast from the past! That means you should check the date. Some details may have changed, so you should check their Facebook page for updated info. Link at the end of the article. You’ll get no argument from serious eaters about where to find Cuenca’s best hamburger. It’s at...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 08

Expert Warns: Ecuador May Face Extended Blackouts Without Immediate Action.

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President Noboa Highlights Need for Legislative Support in Manabí Amid Key Infrastructure Deliveries.

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Travel time between Guayaquil and Cuenca could be reduced by at least one hour with a new highway.

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