
By Aston Morrisey  His hand-made guitars have been played by Freddy Fender, Judy Collins, and Spanish classical musician Pablo Menendez, according to a 25-year-old article in American Musician magazine. Cuenca guitar maker Juan Uyaguari say, however, that he can't vouch for the story. "I hear that some of them belong to famous people but I...
You can call 2009, “the year of the traffic light” in Cuenca. The fact is painfully evident to downtown pedestrians who are forced to circumnavigate the installation work on almost every block. Almost all intersections in El Centro that do not already have traffic signals, will be getting them soon. In all, 99 new lights are being...
Are you considering buying real estate in Ecuador’s most popular areas, the southern Andes and the South Coast? One of the best ways to check out the market –and to see the country at the same time– is to sign up for one of two real estate tours being offered in March. The Cuenca – ...
Ecuador has made an interest payment on its bond due 2015 after defaulting on other debt for the second time in a decade, Finance Minister Maria Elsa Viteri said. The bonds rallied to two-month high following the announcement. The payment was made on Tuesday.  The government, which on Dec. 15 invoked a 30-day grace period...
A light rain dampened Cuenca’s Day of the innocents celebration Tuesday night but it couldn’t stop the annual strange behavior of thousands of participants and another 20,000 spectators. The event is staged at the head of Ave. Solano, just across the Rio Tomebamba from the hisotric district.  The festival is a commenoration of the King Herod’s death...
Among the public works projects scheduled for 2009 by Cuenca’s city government are a reburfishment of Parque de la Madre and traffic improvements in the historic district. The work in Parque de la Madre, including construction of a school athletic center and a cafeteria, could begin as early as February, according to city coordinator Jaime Siguenza. Other...
Although Ecuador real estate sales to foreigners increased in 2008, the number was dwarfed by purchases by Ecuadorian citizens returning from the U.S. and Europe.  Gustavo Moreno, spokesman for a Quito-based national real estate trade organization, said the worsening world economy will probably bring more Ecuadorians back to the country, helping to keep the real...
Chilean-based airline Lan has been granted a two-year concession to operate domestic flights in Ecuador, according to Ecuadorian transportation officials. Lan's entry into the national market may also signal the beginning of international flights to Cuenca. The concession grants Lan rights to fly to Guayaquil, Quito and Cuenca as well as to the Galapagos islands, Ecuador's...
A crowd estimated to be 4,000, gathered at the Cuenca airport on Thursday to meet the body of an Ecuadorean immigrant beaten to death, Dec. 7, in New York. The Brooklyn murder of 31 year old Jose Sucuzhanay is the second high-profile killing of a Cuencano in the U.S. this year. The murders have made international headlines and focused attention...
Almost three dozen Cuencanos crowded into the front courtyard of Zoe's Cafe Tuesday night for the first annual World Without Violence Art Auction. Ten of the attendees walked away with artwork by some of Cuenca's best-known artists. The event was sponsored by the Cuenca chapter of the International Humanist Movement in support of the purchase of a...
President Rafael Correa's decision to default on foreign bond payments has set off a debate over the consequences as well as speculation that other Latin American countries will follow Ecuador's lead. In his Friday decision, Correa vowed to fight "monster" debt-holders in court in one of most aggressive moves against investors in the region in many years.  Correa,...
Cuenca tourism officials are urging local hotels, hostals and businesses to do a better of job of accommodating the city’s growing number of tourists. The current independence celebration has left late-arriving travelers with limited lodging options and the Azuay Hotel Association is urging hotel managers to report vacancies to the association or the municipal tourist...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News

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