As campaign ends, Noboa promises help for Cuenca; Ecuador beats Bolivia in thin air; Flowers decorate El Centro balconies; Art exhibit celebrates ancestry

Oct 14, 2023 | 0 comments

Viernes, 13/10/2023

Hola, Todos –

Actividades –

Agenda Cultural –
13/10, 19:00 – Exposición – Fotografía hecha a mano (Handmade photography) <Do they mean you don’t need a camera?> – Casa de la Lira.
14/10, 16:00 – Cine – All Tomorrow’s Parties – Casa de las Posadas.
16/20, 14:00 – Capacitación – Taller con telgopor, gesso y silicona (Styrofoam, gesso and silicone workshop) – Quinta Bolívar.
17/10, 8:00 – Muestra – Retrato de lo Vivo (Portrait of the Living) – Casa de Ghaguarchimbana (sic).
17/10, 19:00 – Exposición – Caravaggio – Museo Universitario.

Ecuador’s football team celebrates a goal against Bolivia on Thursday night. The high altitude of La Paz (3,650 meters) didn’t slow down the “Tri-Color.” (El Mercurio)

De El Mercurio del jueves, 12/10/2023 (2 articles):
Saberes ancestrales y arte (Ancestral knowledge and art) – The “Re EXISTENCIAS” exhibit, which celebrates ancestral knowledge and art, opened today in the Museo Pumapungo. Women from the Asociación Jatari Warmi in El Carmen de Jadán in Gaulaceo canton participated.

Muestra une a ocho artistas (Exhibition unites eight artists) – An inquiry into the archives of the Salon de Graphique Contemporaine will be presented through the show, “El Bucle Perfecto,” which opened viernes in the Galería de la Alcaldía de Cuenca. It includes the work of 8 artists.

Titular –

La ‘Tri’ sufrió para triunfar ante Bolivia (La Tri’ struggled to win against Bolivia) – Ecuador scored in the last few minutes of the South America Eliminations for the Mundial and won, 2-1 in La Paz. <Good job, “Tri,” a win in spite of the extremely thin air in La Paz — at 3650 meters.>

El titulo de El Mercurio del jueves, 12/10/2023 (1 article):
Noboa cierra campaña con reunión y caravana (Noboa closes campaign with meeting and caravan) – Presidential candidate Daniel Noboa <You’d have to have been living under a rock or just gotten off an international flight to not know Noboa is a candidate for president.> met with Mayor Cristian Zamora ayer, and then participated in a march through downtown from parque San Blas to parque Calderón. <That’s why you see all those cardboard cut outs of the candidate in the Centro Histórico.> Zamora raised the issues of security and especially that the Turi prison be declared a regional prison. He asked for more National Police and vehicles to improve controls to counter delinquency. Another issue was economic help to pay the debts the City owes for the construction of the Tranvía, and more descentralization. He also wanted the State to comply with timely payments of the budget appropriations to the Gobierno Autónomos Descentralizados (GAD).

In the area of security, Noboa offered to accelerate procedures and to guarantee the right to speedy and fair trials by hiring personnel, incorporating technology, and revising policies for preventive prison. He proposed investing in infrastructure to improve conditions in prisons to guarantee security, hygene, and respect for human rights. <Don’t forget to include dedicated pools for tilapia.> Another proposal is to give training and resources to the justice system and security forces to confront and prevent cyber crime. He also promised to implement transparency measures and accountability, and establish regulations to protect personal data. He would implement policies to attract investments in the technology, renewable energy, agriculture, and tourism sectors including financial incentives. Another promise was to incorporate policies that support las Pequeñas y Medianas Empresa (PYMEs – small and medium businesses – your acronym for the day), facilitate access to credit and training and consulting for business management.

Elecciones –

A votación en cárceles ven como inclusión democrática (Prison voting seen as democratic inclusion) – 7 women and 20 men voted ayer at the Turi prison. The CNE in Azuay took 3 Juntas Receptoras del Voto (JRV) <I’m not sure if that’s 3 poll workers of 3 teams of poll workers> to the prison along with 10 police officers and 20 soldiers for security. These votes will be the first counted el domingo. Teodoro Maldonado, provincial director of the CNE said voting by this population demonstrates that democracy is inclusive because it guarantees participation by everyone.

Voto en Casa was carried out Friday with 33 people in Cuenca, 2 in Santa Isabel, and 1 in Gualaceo voting. This is for people who are over 50 and at least 75% disabled. Representatives of the Consejo Nacional para Igualdad de Discapacidades also participated in guaranteeing that people with restricted mobility could participate in the democratic process. <The more I learn about how democratic participation is mandated, encouraged, and facilitated here, the more respect I have for Ecuador.>

Aplican multas en caso e detectarse ‘dádivas’ (Fines applied in case of detection of “gifts”) – Giving donations, gifts or presents to citizens who are not authorized by election authorities during the campaign period is a grave infraction of the electoral laws and can be sanctioned with fines from 11-20 times the Salario Básio Unificado (SBU). Participants can also have their rights to participate suspended for 6 months up to 2 years. The same sanctions apply to whoever contracts for space in communications media without the authorization of the CNE.

Cuenca –

De El Mercurio del jueves, 12/10/2023 (2 articles):
Flores adornarán balcones cuencanos (Flowers will decorate balconies in Cuenca) – The 7th edition of the “Balcones Floridos” program organized by the Empresa Pública Municipal de Aseo de Cuenca (EMAC EP), will see the balconies of the cities full of flowers and colors. Flower pots were placed on the balconies of the houses on Las Herrerías and will decorate some historic houses in the Centro Histórico. The hope is that this will not be just for the fiestas for the Independence of Cuenca but all year around. You can call 139 to get advice and help from EMAC EP on how to plant and care for the plants.

Sube precio de gasolinas (Gasoline prices rise) – Petroecuador announced a new reference price at their gas stations and those of affiliates starting hoy. Súper Premium 95 is $4.37/gal. Prices for Extra y Ecopaís stay at $2.40 and Diésel Premium at $1.75.

And that’s all for today so hasta ? –



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