
By Julia Buckley It’s time! Travel restrictions are easing, Covid infection rates are settling, you’re fully vaccinated, and you’re finally thinking about going on vacation. This is the year to make up for the holidays you didn’t enjoy over the past two years. You’ve likely saved for two years to make it a good one....
By Siobhan Reid Three weeks ago, a new species of glass frog (Hyalinobatrachium mashpi) was named by the team at Mashpi Lodge, a remote eco-hotel on the western flanks of the Andean Mountains, three hours northwest of Quito. When the tiny, transparent-bellied amphibian was first found, researchers thought it was the Valerioi glass frog, another...
President Guillermo Lasso continues to insist he made no agreement with former president Rafael Correa or his followers to release Jorge Glas prison. Glas served as vice president during the Correa administration. “There does not exist and there has never existed an agreement to allow Glas out of prison,” Lasso said. “There have been no...
Lunes, 18/4/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – “Lo Invisible”, un filme que retrata la depresión (“The Invisible”, a film that portrays depression) – This film by Ecuadorian Javier Andrade will premier in Quito on el 21/4. It received good reviews in the Festival de Cine de Toronto, Norway, Spain, and other festivals in the US....
By Robert Bradley Casa Azul Galeria Cafe, on San Sebastian plaza, was my first favorite cafe in Cuenca. Several mornings a week I would wander down, plop into one of their comfortable chairs, and read for a couple of hours while sipping coffee, or dawdling over breakfast. I was so mesmerized by the allure of...
By Will Stone Doctors will soon have new guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on how and when to prescribe opioids for pain (ultram). Those guidelines – currently under review as a draft – will serve as an update to the agency’s previous advice on opioids, issued in 2016. That advice is...
More than 75 percent of Ecuador’s murders occurred in five of the country’s 24 provinces during the first three months of 2022. Guayas, Manabí, Esmeraldas, Los Rios and El Oro provinces recorded 613 murders while 152 were reported in the rest of the country. Murders in the five provinces, all located on the coast, increased...
The news of late has been as gloomy as the weather. Eduardo Stein, the special representative of the UN refugee agency, International Organization for Migration (IOM), recently referred to Venezuala in this way, “The IOM has never faced such movement of refugees out of a country that is not at war. Over 5.7 million have...
By Glenn Greenwald If one wishes to be exposed to news, information or perspective that contravenes the prevailing US/NATO view on the war in Ukraine, a rigorous search is required. And there is no guarantee that search will succeed. That is because the state/corporate censorship regime that has been imposed in the West with regard to...
Miguel Ángel Nazareno, alias ‘Don Naza’, died as a result of gunshot to the leg, an autopsy shows. First indications were that he was stabbed to death but the National Police autopsy revealed he “died of extensive bleeding” as a result of a bullet that severed the femoral artery in his left leg. “This is...
By Stephen Vargha A city with a university is usually a big cultural arts center for a region. When there are four universities, it makes it easy to become an arts capital. That is what Cuenca is as it has been called by native Ecuadorians and expats, “The Arts Capital of Ecuador.” Kris Daniel of...
By Maria Cheng The head of the World Health Organization has slammed the global community for its focus on the war in Ukraine, arguing that crises elsewhere, including in his home country of Ethiopia, are not being given equal consideration, possibly because those suffering are not white. WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus questioned “if the...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Fund Grace News