
A day after announcing he could no longer work the with National Assembly, President Guillermo Lasso announced the appointment of a new Minister of Government who says one of his missions is to “build bridges” between the president and the Assembly. Francisco Jiménez, a member of Lasso’s CREO party, resigned his National Assembly seat Wednesday...
Miércoles, 30/3/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Titular – Fiesta monumental (Monumental celebration) – Ecuador tied with Argentina <even though Argentina has Lionel Messi> in Tuesday night’s game in Guayaquil. Ecuador is going to the Mundiales in Qatar! Cuenca – Sayausí vive drama humano (Sayausí lives human drama) – Residents of Sayausí are trying...
By Bryan Lufkin We’ve been taught to keep work and play apart. Yet more of us are still taking workcations, three years into the pandemic – and reaping the benefits. Even as the pandemic is ending, it looks like the trend could be here to stay. “After working from home for over a year, I...
Former Ecuador comptroller Carlos Polit was arrested Monday in Miami on charges of money-laundering. The former official, who lives in a luxury high-rise on the Miami River, was convicted in absentia in Ecuador in 2018 for extorting millions of dollars from Brazilian engineering firm Odebrecht S.A. U.S. attorneys say the the Miami and Ecuadorian cases...
Following last week’s defeat of his investment law by the National Assembly, President Guillermo Lasso said Tuesday that he will govern the country by decree and public referendum, bypassing the Assembly. “Given its refusal to participate in the revitalization of the country, I have no choice but to lead without the support of the National...
Martes, 29/3/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Exposición – An exhibit of 35 paintings by children and youth with Downs Syndrome opened ayer in the Quinta Bolívar. “Trazos de igualdad” will run until el 31/3 with hours from 8:30-16:30. Titular – Sayausí en ermergencia (Sayausí in emergency) – See Tuesday’s article in CHL. Cuenca –...
By Katie Surma Wild animals possess distinct legal rights, including to exist, to develop their innate instincts and to be free from disproportionate cruelty, fear and distress, Ecuador’s top court ruled in a landmark decision interpreting the country’s “rights of nature” constitutional laws. The 7-2 ruling handed down last month in Quito is believed to...
By Christine Clark “Don’t swallow your gum, it’ll take seven years for your stomach to digest!” “Ah, just pick it up off the floor — five second rule!” Most of us grew up with wives’ tales such as these, and probably believed them. But, as we’ve gotten older and wiser, we’ve found that many of...
In a visit to Cuenca on Monday, Vice President Alfredo Borrero said the government would provide funds to families who lost their homes as a result of Sunday’s landslide in Sayausí. “We will help those who lost everything in this disaster and will work hard to reopen the highway and roads that have been blocked...
Health Minster Ximena Garzón defended the government’s decision to reopen most indoor businesses and events at 100 percent capacity on Monday, insisting that Ecuador could be the first country in the Andean region to emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic. “Since March 19, we have recorded only one death from the coronavirus and our hospital ICU...
Lunes, 28/3/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Titular – Aluvión enciende las alertas (Alluvium triggers alerts) – See Monday’s stories in CHL. Cuenca – Obras en marcha al norte y sur (Work underway to the north and south) – Several major public works projects have started or will start this year. The new interchange next...
By Andres Oppenheimer Latin America’s biggest democracies are making a huge mistake in failing to denounce, without ambiguity, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine — and in not imposing even symbolic sanctions on dictator Vladimir Putin. They not only are on the wrong side of history, they’re also on the wrong side of their own economic interests....

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News