
By Geoff Shullenberger Just before the Russian invasion of Ukraine consumed the media, New York Times columnist Jay Caspian Kang and Substacker Matthew Yglesias published near-simultaneous critiques of the notions of “disinformation” and “misinformation”. This convergence among prominent liberals was significant. These and related concepts like “fake news” have shaped press coverage of a range...
By Raúl Limón A new study demonstrates how a deficiency of coenzyme Q10, which charges our biological batteries, reduces mobility and the capacity for the generation of this vital molecule as you age. The Q10 coenzyme is vital. If cellular mitochondria are the body’s batteries, this lipid is their charger, being responsible for the transport...
The Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (IACHR) says poor management is largely to blame for violence in Ecuador’s prison system. In a report following its December visit, the commission acknowledged that drug gangs instigated the riots that left more than 300 prisoners dead in 2021, but said poor planning and neglect allowed the gangs to...
The Ecuadorian banana industry is feeling the impact of disruptions related to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, with already more than a million boxes of unshipped fruit as a result. To bring attention to their plight, dozens of growers blocked highways in El Oro and Los Rio Provinces this week, demanding support from the government. According...
By Knvul Sheikh As coronavirus case counts continue to plummet across the United States, people’s immunity may be declining, too. Several studies have found that while mRNA booster shots have been successful at preventing hospitalization and death, their effectiveness against infections is waning. It’s no wonder, then, that late Thursday, Moderna sought emergency use authorization...
Saying it’s time for Ecuador “to move forward,” President Guillermo Lasso announced Friday morning that restaurants, shopping malls, stores, movie theaters and other indoor public and private establishments can operate at 100 percent capacity effective today. All sporting events, including the March 29 Ecuador-Argentina World Cup qualifying match in Guayaquil, can also be held at...
President Guillermo Lasso has committed $150 million to emergency road repairs roads and highways damaged by heavy rains. According to Transportation Minister Marcelo Cabrera, immediate response is required throughout the country following a series of intense rainstorms. “The winter weather this year has been devastating, leaving some communities totally isolated and restricting travel between major...
Jueves, 17/3/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Titular – Ley de aborto con 61 cambios (Abortion law with 61 changes) – Pres. Lasso sent a partial veto to the Asamblea National with objections to 61 of the 62 articles in the Ley que Garantiza la Interrrupción del Embarazo en caso de Violación (Law that Guarantees...
Ecuador’s Health Ministry said Wednesday that it is monitoring five cases it believes to be the the BA.2 Omicron subvariant. The Ministry says the patients, all from the Guayaquil, are being checked daily but exhibit only mild symptoms and are not hospitalized. A Ministry spokesperson said that testing is underway to confirm BA.2 but results...
Miércoles, 16/3/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Titular – Tranvía: cifra de usuarios y el de tarjetas no cuadra (Tramway: ridership and card numbers don’t add up) – A new lot of 45,000 Tranvía cards which will be made in Spain has been ordered by the Municipio de Cuenca at a cost of $63,000. Jorge...
By Michelle Chang If you’re looking to extend your stay in Ecuador beyond 90 days but aren’t ready to apply for residency, consider extending your tourist visa. Once you know the process, it’s fairly easy to do in Cuenca. About Tourist Visas Many nationalities are allowed to enter Ecuador for business or tourism without a visa...
By Anna-Cat Brigida and Leo Schwartz When El Salvador officially made Bitcoin legal tender in September 2021, José Bonilla was one of the first citizens to sign up for a government-backed digital wallet that lets anyone use the cryptocurrency. The 23-year-old Salvadoran, who runs a shoe store with his family in the tourist town of...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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