
By Horacio Sierra Envious of Spain’s conquests in the Americas, British propagandists circulated “la leyenda negra,” the black legend, a series of writings that denigrated Spaniards and the Spanish Empire as cruel, haughty and intolerant, starting in the 1500s. Anglophones have propagated myths about Hispanic cultures ever since. Though Hispanics make up 18.3 percent of...
President Guillermo Lasso announced Tuesday his partially veto of the National Assembly law allowing abortions for rape victims. He insists that the period in which abortions are allowed should be 12 weeks for all abortions and be reviewed by the court. Lasso said the Assembly went beyond the requirements of the Constitutional Court ruling in...
By Alexandra Valencia Indigenous leaders from nine countries in the Amazon basin met in Ecuador on Tuesday and demanded South America governments halt extractive industries which damage the rainforest, urging them to respect agreements and legal rulings recognizing communities’ rights over territories. Governments in the region are failing to live up to their promises to...
Quito business and civic leaders have filed suit with the Constitutional Court to stop the 268 amnesties granted anti-government protesters by the National Assembly. The suit, filed Tuesday afternoon, claims that amnesty granted to those arrested on criminal charges are unconstitutional. In an earlier interview, President Guillermo Lasso said his office is also “considering legal...
City and business leaders are reacting angrily to Guayaquil’s listing among the “50 most violent cities in the world” announced Sunday by the International Security, Justice and Peace Council. “Since this information is distributed worldwide it will have a negative impact on business in the city, particularly tourism,” said Carlos Sevillano Páez, a security and...
Outlawed in a 2011 public referendum, gambling could become legal again under terms of President Guillermo Lasso’s proposed Law of Economic Development and Investment. The legislation was approved last week by the National Assembly’s Economic Development Commission and will be debated this week by the full Assembly. Lasso’s law includes a series of tax breaks...
By Francis Fukuyama I’m writing this from Skopje, North Macedonia, where I’ve been for the last week teaching one of our Leadership Academy for Development courses. Following the Ukraine war is no different here in terms of available information, except that I’m in an adjacent time zone, and the fact that there is more support...
Colombian Senator Gustavo Petro, who polls suggest is the favourite to win May’s presidential election, has secured the nomination of the left-wing Historic Pact coalition. Petro, a former guerrilla with the M-19 rebel group, won Sunday’s primary by a wide margin. He will face five other candidates in the presidential election on 29 May. Were...
The third and final flight of Ecuadorians leaving Ukraine will arrive this morning in Quito. According to the flight registry, there are 213 onboard, most of them students, as well as 36 pets. According to Foreign Minister Juan Carlos Holguín, 140 boarded the flight in Warsaw with another 73 boarding in Budapest. The aircraft refueled...
By John Keeble Training options for women escaping domestic violence have taken a step forward with a new range of food options being offered by Mujeres con Exito, the Cuenca organisation offering support and sheltering to women and children in danger. The new range – pretzels and loaded baked potatoes – is part of a...
By German Lopez Europe’s assertive response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has presented a possibility that was hard to imagine a month ago: the European Union as a superpower that can alter the global order, promoting liberal democratic values worldwide. Before the war, the E.U. focused largely on economic growth. It resisted calls, particularly from...
By Lee Harrison I’ve bought a number of overseas properties — both for personal use and as investments — and I find that evaluation of a potential property always comes back to a few simple basics. It’s a safe and secure process when you follow the rules, and use the same good sense that you’d...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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