
Martes, 8/3/2022 Hola, Todos – Sorry for the messed up date for the projected reopening of the Turi lookout – it will be 21/7. Actividades – Abren audiciones para Coro Polifónico (Auditions for the Polyphonic Choir are open) – The U. of Cuenca opened the call for students and the public to audition for the...
By Jim Gala Jazz is the big brother of Revolution.  Revolution follows it around. —Miles Davis Jazz is not just music, it’s a way of life, it’s a way of being, a way of thinking. —Nina Simone. Art has a great mission. Through great art lower feelings, cruelty, and lust for dominance, are forced out...
By Suzan Haskins Now that the Covid-19 pandemic is finally on the decline, it’s time to start planning that trip to Latin America. Whether you’re looking to check out the region’s many retirement hot-spots or just enjoy a laidback, low-cost vacation, there’s no better time than now to travel south of the border. My husband...
Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs César Montaño said Monday that Ecuadorians living in Russia are not in “imminent danger” and the Ministry is not advising them to leave.  “At this time, we believe our citizens in Russia are safe and we are suggesting they remain in place,” he said. “It is also our advice that...
Lunes, 7/3/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Titular – Urge el bacheado (Urgent pothole patching) – Polvo y lodo en calles de Cuenca (Dust and mud in Cuenca’s streets) You don’t need to go far to see problems with roads in Cuenca. People are complaining about dust when it’s dry, mud when it’s raining,...
By Saralee Squires Fundacion Hogar de Esperanza is a locally based, locally run, accredited charitable organization right here in Cuenca. Our team supports people and families going through rough times and determined to get back on their feet. Our help lifts them through periods of illness and other difficulties they’ve run into through no fault...
By Jake Johnson If a single word can encapsulate why — two years into the global Covid-19 pandemic — the virus continues to spread widely and kill thousands of people each day despite the availability of lifesaving vaccines, the humanitarian group Oxfam International on Thursday suggested that word is “greed.” In a new report titled...
With international oil prices breaching the $120 per barrel mark over the weekend, Ecuador is expected to raise the price of high-octane gasoline to at least $4 a gallon next week. The price of regular gasoline and diesel will remain at $2.55 and $1.90, rates fixed in December by the government. Gasoline distributors expect the...
More than half of Ecuadorians in the Amazon region live on less than $2.85 a day and below the national poverty line. In Morona Santiago Province, bordering Peru in the southeast, 70 percent live in poverty, according the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INEC). By contrast, Azuay Province and the city of Cuenca have...
By Jonathan Josephs The war in Ukraine is “a catastrophe” for the world which will cut global economic growth, the president of the World Bank has told the BBC. “The war in Ukraine comes at a bad time for the world because inflation was already rising,” said David Malpass. He stressed his biggest concern is...
A second government-chartered flight of Ecuadorians fleeing the Russian invasion of Ukraine is scheduled to arrive in Quito Saturday morning. The flight, carrying 209 Ecuadorians, left Warsaw Friday night. The first humanitarian flight, with 246 aboard, landed Friday morning. Ecuador Foreign Minister Juan Carlos Holguín says at least 300 more Ecuadorians remain in Poland and...
By Isaac Chotiner The political scientist John Mearsheimer has been one of the most famous critics of American foreign policy since the end of the Cold War. Perhaps best known for the book he wrote with Stephen Walt, “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy,” Mearsheimer is a proponent of great-power politics — a school...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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