
By Ayngelina Brogan South America tourism is heating up. Travelers are flocking towards the equator for a glimpse at a stunning patchwork of beautiful landscapes with snow-capped mountains, spectacular jungles, and awe-inspiring deserts. Whatever you plan on embarking on an adventure, or taking a more relaxing vacation, South America will not disappoint. The spirit of...
President Guillermo Lasso hit the ground running on his arrival in China this week, attending a series of meetings and visiting with Ecuador’s only entrant in the Winter Olympics. On Thursday and Friday, he and his advisors met with corporate and government officials to discuss investment opportunities, debt restructuring and trade agreements. Before attending the...
In a victory for indigenous communities in Ecuador, the country’s highest court ruled Friday that they should have a much stronger say in oil, mining and other extractive projects affecting their lands. The ruling is a blow to the ambitions of President Guillermo Laso, who has planned to double oil production and expand mining in...
By Angie Speaks Just as you thought the 2020s couldn’t get any more dystopian, we are now witnessing the enthusiastic embrace of corporate censorship by the Left in the name of combatting the nebulous scourge of “misinformation.” Joe Rogan, the most popular podcaster in the English language, has found himself at the center of a...
The National Assembly’s second debate of a new abortion law ended without resolution  Thursday night. The debate, which turned nasty at times, centered on the issue of the length of time after a rape during which abortions will be allowed. In March, the Constitutional Court ruled the country’s abortion law unconstitutional because it did not...
By Chris Hedges One hundred years ago this week, Sylvia Beach, who ran the bookstore Shakespeare and Company on 12 rue de l’Odéon in Paris and nurtured a community of expatriate writers that included Richard Wright, T.S. Eliot, D. H. Lawrence, Thornton Wilder, Ezra Pound, F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway, placed in the bookstore’s...
By Adam H. Graham While the Egyptians were building pyramids, the Druids were hauling blocks to Stonehenge and the Chinese were mapping out their wall, Ecuadorians were making drinks. But what they were imbibing may well have had a bigger impact on the world than those other ancient wonders combined. Chocolate was once thought to...
OCP Ecuador, operator of the South American country’s private oil pipeline, said on Tuesday that repairs to tubing damaged over the weekend by falling rocks will take between seven and 10 days because of new damage sustained in the same area. A rock fall following rains in the Piedra Fina zone of Ecuador’s Amazon caused...
The national Emergency Operations Committee announced new Covid-19 pandemic rules Wednesday, fully reopening schools in most of the country and increasing capacity limits for businesses, offices and public events. “We are seeing rapid improvement in pandemic conditions, which allows us to make these changes,” Juan Zapata, COE president, said after the meeting. “We anticipate making...
The mist in the air over Ecuador’s southern sierra, including Cuenca, is the result of dust being blown northward from Peru, not from volcanic ash. A Wednesday morning report from the University of Azuay air quality index service that the haze over Cuenca was due to an eruption of the Sangay volcano in Morona-Santiago Province...
Demonstrators marched through the city of Iquique Monday and Tuesday, waving Chilean flags and demanding the expulsion of what they called foreign criminals. Some tore down tents that had housed migrants, while at least one person was beaten by the crowd. There has been an increase in people arriving in Chile after fleeing Venezuela’s economic...
By Ryan Berg and Daniel Runde Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso is en route to China where he will meet with President Xi Jinping February 3 to discuss a new debt repayment schedule, address environmental sustainability and perhaps most importantly, propose the start of negotiations on a bilateral trade deal between Ecuador and China.  While Ecuador...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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