
By Will Westmoreland As people age, inflammation within their immune system increases, damaging cells. A new study shows that people who consumed an anti-inflammatory diet that includes more fruits, vegetables, beans, and tea or coffee, had a lower risk of developing dementia later in life. The research is published in the November 10, 2021, online...
Ecuador’s Ministry of the Environment has agreed to work with the city of Cuenca to enforce mining restrictions approved in February’s election. In a referendum, voters overwhelmingly supported banning mining from the municipal watershed. The Ministry said it would cooperate with the municipal water authority, ETAPA, to determine the boundaries of the area where mining...
Despite some improvement in recent years, Ecuador ranks 90th among 112 countries surveyed in the 2021 EF EPI English Proficiency Index. Giorgio Iemmolo, EF Director of Academic Standards, said the poor showing is due in part to the addition of 12 more countries in the latest survey but says Ecuador continues to suffer from a...
A group of friends took the body of their murdered pal out of his coffin to give him one last ride on a motorbike as a bizarre send-off in Ecuador. The body of Erick Cedeno was removed from its coffin by a group of his friends in Portoviejo, in Manabi Province. Cedeno, 21, died last...
The National Assembly’s Justice Commission has approved the draft of the Organic Law to Guarantee the Right to Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy, sending it to the full Assembly for debate and a vote. The legislation would allow abortion in cases of rape and when a woman’s life is at risk. The legislation is the response...
Jueves, 2/12/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Artesanas presentan su nacimiento de toquilla (Craftswomen present their straw nativity scene) – For 7 months, 18 women have been weaving the garments for a giant nativity scene with the Angel Gabriel, Joseph, Mary, and Jesus. They wanted to show that the paja toquilla (straw) can be used...
By Paul Kingsnorth Perhaps it’s my age, or perhaps it’s just blind prejudice, but when I wake to the news that the Austrian government has interned an entire third of its national population as a danger to public health, a chill runs down my spine. I look at the news photos of armed, masked, black-clad police stopping...
International air travelers arriving in the United States from anywhere in the world, including American citizens, will be required to show proof of a negative Covid test taken within 24 hours of their departure, U.S. President Joe Biden announced on Thursday. The new plan, going into effect “early next week,” makes no exceptions for vaccination...
By Rich Schapiro, Christine Romo and Santiago Cornejo The bulldozers rumble through after sunrise, clearing out massive amounts of trees in this remote and remarkable section of the Amazon rainforest. It’s a place where giant otters patrol the waterways and endangered white-bellied spider monkeys swing from tree to tree. Where a dazzling array of birds...
Tax reductions went into effect Wednesday for a variety of products and services, including cell phone plans, feminine hygiene products, diapers and a variety of medical devices and supplies. Taxes increased, however, for other products, including alcoholic beverages. The changes are included in the Economic Development and Fiscal Sustainability Law that went into after opposition...
Miércoles, 1/12/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Titular – Adelante tercera dosis (Third doses advancing) – Although the ómicron variant has not been detected in Ecuador yet, the Government has decided to adopt preventive measures such as speeding up applications of 3d doses and slowing down the return to presencial classes. The return of...
By Stefano Pozzebon Tens of millions are going hungry in Latin America and the Caribbean as the Covid-19 pandemic sharpens a regional malnutrition crisis to its worst levels in decades, according to the United Nations. In just one year — from 2019 to 2020 — the number of people living with hunger in the region...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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