
Jueves, 18/11/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Regresa “Escenarios del Mundo” (“Scenarios of the World” Returns) – “Escenarios del Mundo” is returning not only to Cuenca, but coming to Guayaquil, Quito and Biblián with the sponsorship of the U. of Cuenca, the Spanish Embassy, PICE, Sendas, Cinterandes and private businesses. There will also be presentation...
In the public perception crime is increasing rapidly in Cuenca, according to Citizen Security Council Director Froilán Salinas. “In fact, this is incorrect and the facts don’t support it,” he says. “Reviewing crime data from 2018 to the present, rates have held very steady and Cuenca continues to be one of the safest cities, not...
Peru is the latest country joining the global push to develop a central bank digital currency (CBDC), central bank President Julio Velarde said on Tuesday. The move is part of the effort of policymakers worldwide to keep pace with fast-spreading cryptocurrencies. Speaking at a conference with business leaders in Lima, Velarde said that Peru’s central...
Miércoles, 17/11/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – El viernes inicia la Fería de la Construcción, Vivienda y Decoración (Construction, Housing and Decoration Fair starts on Friday) – The 19th edition of this fair will run from viernes, 19/11 to domingo, 21/1 in the Centro de Convenciones Mall del Río. The fair is free and hours...
By Maximiliano Appendino Inflation has surged in the largest economies of Latin America, prompting large central banks in the region to raise interest rates before economic activity has fully recovered. The International Monetary Fund’s latest Regional Economic Outlook shows how rapidly inflation is rising. In the first year of the pandemic, average inflation in Brazil,...
Martes, 16/11/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Titular – Ejército ingresa a cárceles (Army enters prisons) – See Tuesday’s article in CHL for story. Cuenca – Presentan proyecto de Ley para Diabetes (Project for a Law for Diabetes presented) – The draft of the Ley de Prevención y Atención Integral de las personas que padecen...
Ecuador’s constitutional court judges traveled to the heart of the Amazon to hear indigenous communities defend their right to oppose mining projects in their territories during a historic hearing in the jungle. “We want our feelings to be heard and reflected in a document that guarantees the protection of our territories,” said Wider Guaramag, leader...
By Daniel Cossío Latin American farms and fields produce a lot of food, but 47 million people still remain hungry. The region accounts for about a quarter of global exports in agricultural and fisheries products, including fruits and vegetables, salmon, maize, sugar and coffee. The agricultural sector is crucial for Latin American livelihoods, contributing to...
The Armed Forces and National Police will be responsible for maintaining security for the national prison system effective immediately, President Guillermo Lasso said Monday night following a day-long meeting of top officials at the Presidential Palace. The emergency meeting was held in the aftermath of the deadly riot at the Litoral Penitentiary in Guayaquil on...
Lunes, 15/11/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Titular – Cierre indefinido (Indefinite closure) – The roughly 6,000 vehicles which use the vía Cuenca-Molleturo-El Empalme that connects Azuay and Guayas will need to use one of two other routes. These are Cuenca-Azugues-Biblián-Cochancay-El Triunfo which currently carries 6,500 vehicles daily, or the Cuenca-Girón-Pasaje which carries 5,400...
By Ben Collins In a TikTok video that has garnered hundreds of thousands of views, Dr. Carrie Madej outlined the ingredients for a bath she said will “detox the vaxx” for people who have given into Covid-19 vaccine mandates. The ingredients in the bath are mostly not harmful, although the supposed benefits attached to them...
By Pamela Druckerman Miami is often called the “capital of Latin America” — a city that has, for some 40 years, been run by Latin Americans and their descendants. Most Miamians, from waiters and dental hygienists, to politicians and bank presidents, have Latin origins. In Miami-Dade county — the metropolitan area that includes the City...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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