
By Liam Higgins According to Quito attorney Gustavo Martinez, too many North American expats consider filing a law suit before they try to resolve problems personally or through mediation. “In Ecuador, legal action is always a last resort, not a starting point,” says Martinez, who holds law degrees in Ecuador and the U.S. “In the...
By Daniel Ramos Bolivia’s transport and retail unions launched an indefinite strike on Monday to protest a law against so-called “illicit profits” and terrorist financing that critics allege is a government ruse to seize private property. Opposition civil and political groups joined the strike, accusing the socialist government of President Luis Arce of using laws...
Only days after it appeared Guillermo Lasso’s presidency was in serious jeopardy, the case against him is collapsing. On Monday, the commission report recommending that the National Assembly begin impeachment proceedings seemed, itself, to be in jeopardy of not being accepted by the full Assembly. “This was a house of cards from the beginning and...
Lunes, 8/11/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Titular – La ciudad se acerca a parroquias (The city approaches parishes) – In the last census in 2010, there were 8 rural parishes in which 90% of basic needs were unmet. These were Octavio Cordero, Chaucha, Molleturo, Victoria del Portete, Quingeo y Tarqui; and 11 years...
By Alissa Wilkinson Maybe you know the routine. Every so often, I go through my refrigerator, check labels on the items, and throw out anything that’s a month, or a week, or maybe a few days past the date on the label. I might stop to sniff, but for my whole adult life, I’ve figured...
By Mark Stevenson In western Mexico a small squad of soldiers with about a half-dozen trucks and sandbag emplacements stands guard on a rural highway. In one direction, almost within earshot, one drug cartel operates a roadblock extorting farmers. In the other direction, a rival cartel carries out armed patrols in trucks bearing its initials....
President Guillermo Lasso is demanding that the full National Assembly reject a committee report recommending he be impeached for holding off-shore investments. The investments were revealed in the Pandora Papers, a project of international journalists that listed the financial accounts and assets of government officials as well as the rich and famous. “This is nothing...
Residents of the Molleturo parish met Friday and Saturday with national transportation officials who promised that work would begin soon to repair the Cuenca-Molleturo-Guayaquil highway. The residents of the Cajas mountains community claim the government has not moved quickly enough to repair landslide damage to the highway that connects businesses and markets in the area....
By Ceylan Yeginsu On Nov. 8, the United States will lift an 18-month ban on international tourists, as long as they show proof of vaccination and a negative coronavirus test. The land borders with Canada and Mexico will also reopen for international visitors who are fully vaccinated and American citizens residing in those countries, as...
In a match that lasted just over a minute, Ecuador’s Lucía Yépez defeated her favored Russian opponent Ekaterina Verbina on Friday to claim the World Wrestling Cup championship in the 53 kilogram category. According to the announcer of the Belgrade, Serbia event, Yépez’s victory was “biggest surprise of the competition.” Although Yépez has had previous...
Health Minister Ximena Garzón said Friday that cases of Covid-19 continue to decline in Ecuador as the country’s vaccination program shifts to school children and “boosting” the elderly.. “According to World Health Organization parameters, the virus has been controlled in Ecuador and it appears the disease is now entering its endemic stage,” she said. “As...
By Monica Machicao Bolivia’s highlands city of La Paz has been hit by an unusual heatwave, with levels of ultraviolet (UV) radiation soaring off the charts, exacerbated by unusually low levels of cloud cover some experts link to climate change. Levels of UV radiation have at times in recent weeks hit 21 on a scale...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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