
By Brian Stewart The novelist Mario Vargas Llosa has long distinguished himself as one of Latin America’s shrewdest observers of human nature, as well as one of its scarce classical liberals. Owing to a desire “to have one foot in the street,” Vargas Llosa has never been content to remain confined to the world of...
Miércoles, 31/5/2023 Hola, Todos – Titular – Con informes definirán el futuro de los radares (Reports will define the future of radars) – There will be a meeting this week to talk about what actions will be taken to fulfill mayor Zamora’s promise to remove the speed radars. His manager of EMOV EP, Darío Ordóñez,...
By Nathan Proctor Andy Harding has been running his small electronics-repair shop, Salem Techsperts, in Salem, Massachusetts, for the past eight years. He does steady business fixing phones for college students and nurses from the nearby hospital. But soon after the release of the iPhone 13 in September 2021, Harding noticed a minor change to...
By Eduardo Campos Lima Catholic Church activists from the province of Orellana in the Ecuadorian Amazon have been staging weekly protests since February against mining and oil exploitation in the rainforest. Protesters say extraction activities are contaminating the local rivers, soil and atmosphere and are linked to dozens of cases of cancer in the region....
On May 11, Ecuador and China officially signed a free trade agreement that aims to boost bilateral trade, including that in the agricultural sector. The deal was signed by Ecuador’s Minister of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fisheries Julio José Prado and China’s Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao during a video conference after a year...
By Daniel Politi He believes selling human organs should be legal, climate change is a “socialist lie,” sex education is a ploy to destroy the family and that the Central Bank should be abolished. He also could be Argentina’s next president. Javier Milei, an admirer of former U.S. President Donald Trump, is the latest example...
By Stephen Vargha “This building is the most neglected in the city!” Andrés Tola Alvarez is talking about Colegio Benigno Malo, located on Av. Fray Vicente Solano and 700 feet south of the Tomebamba River. “The New Cathedral, the building of the Court of Justice, and the mayor’s office are in the same patrimonial category...
Lunes, 29/5/2023 Hola, Todos – Titular – El Tranvía tiene dos pendientes (The Tranvía has 2 pending issues) – Marcelo Toral Roura, the new director of the Tranvía announced that he expects to receive a batch of 20,000 Movilízate cards in the first 15 days of junio. The cards will go on sale immediately since...
Ecuador Attorney General Diana Salazar says she will not only ignore a call for her suspension by Ecuador’s Council of the Judiciary but will prosecute council members who support it. According to the Council’s discipline subcommittee, Salazar should be suspended without pay for three months while charges of plagiarism of her university thesis are investigated....
By Jordan Pandy  Dan and Michelle Bagby were worn out. They had succumbed to the United States’ round-the-clock work mentality, pulling extra-long days in their digital marketing and project management jobs. They wanted a more laid-back lifestyle and decided Portugal would give it to them. “The climate in the US is a bit intense sometimes,”...
The driver of a soft drink trailer truck is blaming brake failure for a multi-vehicle accident that resulted in three deaths and 18 injuries Saturday afternoon on the Pan American highway north of Quito. Meanwhile, medical professionals claim that many of those who arrived at the scene seemed more interested in taking cell phone photos...
The list of candidates for president in the August cross death election grew by one over the weekend while previously announced candidates consolidated their support with new endorsements. Guayaquil business leader Eduardo Maruri, sponsored by the Democratic Center, added his name to the list of contenders Saturday, saying he believes voters need an alternative to...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News

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