
By Ann Cowan They were a pair of young doctors in love who put off marriage to save lives. As the pandemic raged in Ecuador last year, they posted a social media photo of themselves dressed in biohazard suits kissing and holding a sign saying: “Today was to be our wedding day, but instead…” David...
Under an agreement signed in April with the U.S. government, Ecuador may be able collect billions of dollars in unpaid taxes as well as penalties for money transferred out of the country illegally. According to the Economic Commission for Latin America, between $20 billion and $40 billion in untaxed funds were moved out of Ecuador...
Martes, 15/6/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Otras cosas – Titular – Cierran carril de la Primero de Mayo (Lane closed on Primero de Mayo) – Construction starts today on the largest network of ciclovias (bike lanes) in Cuenca now that the city has received a $8 million loan from the Banco Interamericano de...
Peru’s National Office of Electoral Processes said Monday that Pedro Castillo is the winner of Peru’s presidential runoff election. With 100 percent of votes counted, Castillo defeated conservative candidate Keiko Fujimori by 50.12 percent to 49.87 percent, or 44,000 votes. Although Fujimori continues to claim that 800,000 votes are “irregular or fraudulent”, the National Elections...
By Rob Stein The U.S. is banning the importation of dogs from more than 100 countries for at least a year because of a sharp increase in the number of puppies imported into the country with fraudulent rabies vaccination certificates. “We’re doing this to make sure that we protect the health and safety of dogs...
Finance Minister Simón Cueva announced Monday he hopes to reach a new agreement with the International Monetary Fund by August and says the first IMF loan disbursement should come in September. According to Cueva, the negotiations are necessary due to several unresolved issues between the government of Lenin Moreno and the IMF. “These were not...
By Marc Fisher At an ice cream shop in Rockville, Md., gloved servers scoop the frozen treat into cups, but a sign taped to the front window says “No cones: Covid.” At McDonald’s outlets along I-95 in Virginia, yellow police-style tape cordons off self-serve beverage stations. And at Nationals Park, baseball fans use a QR...
Lunes, 14/6/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Otras cosas – Titular – Carapaz logra otra hazaña al triunvar en Tour de Suiza (Carapaz achieves another feat with triumph in Tour de Suisse) – See today’s (lunes) CHL article for story. El 15.15% de cuencanos se ha vacunado (15.15% of Cuencans vaccinated) – According to...
By Jake Coyle When the filmmaker Morgan Neville began making a documentary on Anthony Bourdain, the late chef and globe-trotting television host, one of the first things he did was comb through every song Bourdain had ever referenced. He came up with a playlist 18½ hours long and called it “Tony.” Neville, the director of...
As the new government of President Guillermo Lasso begins negotiations today with trucking, bus and taxi unions to alleviate the impact of rising diesel and gasoline prices, it is quietly looking for ways to end the largest fuel subsidy, that for LP gas. A 2014 attempt by former president Rafael Correa to phase out the...
Ecuadorian cyclist Richard Carapaz resisted all challengers to win the Tour de Suisse on Sunday. The Ineos Grenadiers team rider was left with just one crew mate three kilometres from the finish but managed to fight off his challengers to take the win, 17 seconds ahead of Colombian Rigoberto Urán. Irishman Eddie Dunbar played a...
By Victoria Guida The Federal Reserve is taking what may be the first significant step toward launching its own virtual currency, a move that could shake up banks, give millions of low-income Americans access to the financial system and fortify the dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency. The idea of creating a fully digital...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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