
By Matthew Hayes When Ana Jane turned 60, she decided she wanted “a complete life change.” Approaching retirement, she was suddenly laid off from her job as an interior decorator in early 2009, during the peak of the financial crisis Having endured cancer, job loss and an addiction problem, she was hoping to turn her...
By Chris Hedges Global capitalists have turned back the clock to the early days of the Industrial Revolution.  The working class is increasingly bereft of rights, blocked from forming unions, paid starvation wages, subject to wage theft, under constant surveillance, fired for minor infractions, exposed to dangerous carcinogens, forced to work overtime, given punishing quotas...
The national Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie) said Thursday that it is not a sponsor of the national strike against high fuel prices but that local chapters are free to participate. The strike, called by the Indigenous and Peasant Movement of Cotopaxi (MICC) is scheduled for Friday, June 11. “We support the movement...
Jueves, 3/6/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – El RotoFest trae un edición “atemporal” este 2021 (The RotoFest brings a “timeless” edition this 2021) – After skipping last year, the 15th festival of electronic and independent music will be held virtually during the last 2 weekends in julio, 2021. Performances will be on Facebook, Youtube and...
The European Union will maintain restrictions on non-essential travel from the U.S. and U.K., meaning visitors from those two countries may still need to abide by member states’ quarantine requirements. The EU added Japan to the so-called white list of nations for which restrictions will be lifted, according to an emailed statement. Australia, Israel, New...
By Liam Higgins How many Cuenca expats have been vaccinated against Covid-19? Where are they getting their shots? How many don’t plan to be vaccinated? Greg Sorenson, a retired family practice doctor from Atlanta, was curious and decided to conduct survey. “Like most of us, I’ve been asking around about what people are doing regarding...
Miércoles, 2/6/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Venta de dulces de Corpus Christi (Sale of Corpus Christi candy) – The Empresa de Desarrollo Económico (EDEC) will inaugurate the “Fiesta más dulce del mundo” (The sweetest festival in the world) which also coincides with the start of Corpus Christi. 58 candy...
By Mark Stevenson The notoriously violent Jalisco cartel has responded to Mexico’s “hugs, not bullets” policy with a policy of its own: The cartel kidnapped several members of an elite police force in the state of Guanajuato, tortured them to obtain names and addresses of fellow officers and is now hunting down and killing police...
Motorcyclists briefly blocked traffic Monday in Quito to protest the city’s campaign against riders who drive between lanes of traffic, on sidewalks, and cut across private property. The new “Wheel with Respect” ordinance has resulted in more than a thousand fines and the confiscation of 200 motorcycles. Protesters say it is “illogical” for motorcycles to...
Martes, 1/6/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – La Alianza Francesa alista proyecciones de películas (The French Alliance prepares film screenings) – The film cycle at the Alianza Francesa started today (martes) with La nult venue by Frederic Farucci. On 5/6 the film “Las Vidas de Marona,” an animated film for...
By Maggie Fox When the final Phase 3 data came out last November showing the mRNA vaccines made by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna were more than 90% effective, Dr. Anthony Fauci had no words. He texted smiley face emojis to a journalist seeking his reaction. This astonishing efficacy has held up in real-world studies in the...
By Mauricio Savarese  Just one Covid-19 patient is in critical condition at the Dr. Geraldo Cesar Reis clinic in Serrana, a city of almost 46,000 in Sao Paulo state’s countryside. The 63-year-old woman rejected the vaccine that was offered to every adult resident of Serrana as part of a trial. Doctors say the woman was...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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