
By Michael Stott Ravaged by one of the world’s worst coronavirus outbreaks, wracked by political turmoil, scarred by corruption scandals and blighted by worsening poverty, Peru will choose its fourth president in under a year on June 6. Described by many observers as a choice between the lesser of two evils, the second-round run-off election...
Lunes, 31/5/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Otras cosas – Titular – El oro de Andrés Chocho lleva dedicatoria al cielo (Andrés Chocho’s gold bears a dedication to heaven) – Speedwalker Chocho won a gold medal in the 20,000 m. in the Campeonato Sudamericano Absoluto de Atlestismo in Guayaquil el sábado. Bioseguridad debe seguir...
By Jan Dynes I felt like returning to the days when I was still a teenager for Memorial Day to reflect on the last 50 years. No electrónics then, our family had an avacado wall phone in the kitchen, no answering machine, so if you weren’t home you simply missed the call and never knew...
Pledging that “no one will have special privileges, including me” for receiving Covid-19 vaccines, President Guillermo Lasso hosted a Monday morning news conference laying out the details of his vaccination program. The president said he was confident that there will be “sufficient doses” for everyone, announcing that 18 million doses of the Sputnik V vaccine...
Cuenca’s Civil Registry office has erected barricades outside its historic district office to handle the crowd waiting to apply for passports. Last week, the line at Alfonso Jerves – Manuel Vega office sometimes stretched for three blocks, with some claiming they are spending nights on the sidewalks to keep their place in line. Civil Registry...
Only two weeks ago, medical professionals said it would be almost impossible for Guillermo Lasso to fulfill his presidential campaign promise to vaccinate nine million Ecuadorians within 100 days. Almost overnight that has changed. “Since last Wednesday and Thursday, we’ve received word that large shipments of Covid-19 vaccine shipments are on the way and that...
Four more people died in Colombia on Thursday and Friday as tens of thousands of protesters marked a month of demonstrations across the country, while talks between the government and the national strike committee were stalled. In Cali, which has become an epicentre of the nationwide protests, the mayor, Jorge Ospina, confirmed three of the...
Life as depicted in George Orwell’s 1984 “could come to pass in 2024” if lawmakers don’t protect the public against artificial intelligence, Microsoft’s president has warned. Speaking to BBC’s Panorama, Brad Smith said it will be “difficult to catch up” with the rapidly advancing technology. The program explores China’s increasing use of AI to monitor...
It should not be up to the government to determine if the news media is telling the truth and opinions should not be subject to criminal penalties. That is the basis of changes to the national communication law that the President Guillermo Lasso sent to the National Assembly on Monday. “We are making needed repairs...
The leaders of land transport federations, the unions representing trucking company owners, said Thursday they could call a nationwide strike on June 4 if the government doesn’t agree to discuss rising fuel costs. The owners are demanding that the government restore fuel subsidies or allow transport companies to adjust shipping rates based on market prices...
By Matthew Crawford When I was small, my father would conduct experiments around the house. When you blow across the top of a wine bottle, how many modes of vibration are there? How do you get the higher notes? Another time, the matter under investigation might be the “angle of repose” of a pile of...
The Health Ministry says that 700,000 doses of the Chinese Sinovac vaccine will arrive in Quito on Saturday. Of the total doses, the People’s Republic of China donated 200,000 while 500,000 were purchased. “This is wonderful news in light of the recent shipment delays of the other vaccines,” said Carlos Larrea, Ecuador’s ambassador to China....

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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