
By Roxy Manson Pfizer, Moderna and other Covid-19 vaccines have been proven to be effective for at least six months — since the first shots were administered late last year. Based on comments from a few pharmaceutical executives and some public health officials, however, many people are left wondering, will I need a booster shot?...
By Glenn Greenwald U.S. and E.U. governments are expressing outrage over the forced landing by Belarus of a passenger jet flying over its airspace on its way to Lithuania. The Ryanair commercial jet, which took off from Athens and was carrying 171 passengers, was just a few miles from the Lithuanian border when a Belarusian...
Cuenca is asking the new government of Guillermo Lasso to relocate violent criminals from the Turi prison, to fund the hiring of additional police and to take over payments of the city’s tram debt to the French government. In addition, the municipality is requesting the designation of a special investment zone and tax reductions to...
The Biden administration says many American citizens holding recently expired U.S. passports will be allowed to return home from abroad on that document until the end of year. Citing delays in passport renewals caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the State Department said certain passports that expired on or after Jan. 1, 2021, will be honored...
Ecuador’s health care system is in ‘deplorable” condition and needs immediate attention, according to Vice President Alfredo Borrero. “The new government will begin the repairs immediately but we need the collaboration of citizens, government, and the private sector to make them work.” Trained as a family practice physician, Borrero said the public health and IESS...
The Indigenous Federation of Imbabura set up roadblocks on the Pan American highway in several locations in Imbabura Province Tuesday morning in protest of higher diesel and gasoline prices. The Federation is demanding that President Guillermo Lasso reinstate the subsidies eliminated last year by the government. The roadblocks are in the cantons of Otavalo, Cotacachi...
Acknowledging the “brutal impact” of the Covid-19 pandemic and economic depression, President Guillermo Lasso told Ecuadorians Monday that he will act quickly to “restore the country to good health.” In his inaugural address, he repeated a campaign promise to vaccinate nine million residents within his first 100 days in office and to eliminate all vestiges...
Humanity needs to discover a “new mindset for our survival” as the world exits the pandemic only to face the looming dual crises of climate change and nature loss, renowned conservationist Jane Goodall said last week. In an interview with the AFP news service, the world’s pre-eminent primatologist said she was hopeful that Covid-19 could...
By Damien Cave, Emma Bubola and Choe Sang-Hun All over the world, countries are confronting population stagnation and a fertility bust, a dizzying reversal unmatched in recorded history that will make first-birthday parties a rarer sight than funerals, and empty homes a common eyesore. Maternity wards are already shutting down in Italy. Ghost cities are...
By Jeffrey Tucker Twenty years ago, I had some vague sense that there was a Centers for Disease Control that performed traditional public-health functions. It tracked diseases. It made health recommendations. It served as a clearinghouse for data and information on a subject that has been crucial to modern life for the better part of...
Tens-of-thousands of Cuencanos and tourists poured into the historic district Friday night, celebrating the end of the month-long Covid-19 health emergency lockdown. Restaurants and cafes around Parque Calderon operated at full capacity for the first time in months, their owners looking forward to a profitable three-day holiday weekend. Hotels in the district were also reporting...
By Sigal Manuel Early on in the pandemic, global health experts envisioned a nightmare scenario: Covid-19 vaccines are created, but they go almost exclusively to rich countries that can afford to buy them. People in poorer countries are left to get sick and die. To prevent this, the experts set up an international initiative called...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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