
By Minda Zetlin Malcolm Gladwell believes that the post-Covid world will be a much better and more hopeful place than it was before the pandemic. He explained his reasoning in a thought-provoking talk at last month’s virtual Adobe Summit. Gladwell is best known for his bestsellers Outliers and The Tipping Point, and recently published The Bomber...
By Tom Metcalfe A grim artifact that had been placed on display for decades in a Georgia university has been authenticated as a human head taken from a slain enemy by an Amazonian warrior almost a century ago — and is now on its way back to where it came from. Researchers at Mercer University...
The head of one of Latin America’s most prominent business families, Juan Eljuri, died Monday at 78. His death was announced by his brothers Henry and Olga, his sister Gladys and his son, Juan Eljuri, Jr,, all of Cuenca. President Lenin Moreno and President-elect Guillermo Lasso were among those sending statements of condolence. The Grupo...
By Andres Oppenheimer El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele has a 90 percent popularity rate in his country, perhaps the highest one in the region. But power has gone to his head, and his latest takeover of the Salvadoran justice system threatens to turn him into Latin America’s newest elected dictator. On May 1, Bukele’s New...
By Karl Sweetman In a recent opinion piece published here on CuencaHighLife, the author complained of being “tired of all the sickness, the anti-science, the hatred and the idiocy.” Well, I’m tired too. I’m tired of baseless insults. I’m tired of attitudes like those in this article; a non-stop litany of disparaging smears and downright...
By Mac Margolis When Colombians voted in a 42-year-old development wonk as president in 2018, they knew it was a leap of faith. But what Ivan Duque lacked in political adroitness (he’d served a single term as a senator), the argument went, he would finesse as an internationally accredited emerging market technocrat. Thirty-two months on,...
Cuenca and much of the southern sierra were drying out Sunday from flooding resulting from heavy rains Friday night and Saturday. The Rios Yanuncay and Tarqui overflowed their banks in several locations, flooding low -lying streets and homes while other neighborhoods were flooded by runoff. According to municipal utilities company ETAPA, the areas receiving the...
By Daniel Funke Nearly 150 million Americans have received at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine, but some say it may not make much of a difference in limiting the spread of Covid-19. In an article published May 3, LifeSite, which bills itself as “an independent pro-life news outlet,” wrote that people who have received...
By Holly Strawbridge After being confined to health-food stores for years, gluten-free foods now show up everywhere. Supermarket aisles abound with products proudly labeled “Gluten free,” and many restaurants now offer gluten-free options. For people who can’t tolerate gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley, this abundance is a blessing. But lately it’s...
By Vincent Ricci Women’s rights advocates have hailed a recent court ruling that will ease restrictions on abortion in cases of rape in Ecuador, the latest country in Latin America to be swept up in the “green wave” abortion rights movement. In a 7-2 vote on April 28, the Constitutional Court of Ecuador deemed unconstitutional...
Minister of Health Camilo Salinas announced Friday that it has negotiated the delivery of millions of additional doses Covid-19 vaccines from pharmaceutical companies in Russia, China and the U.S. He said that CanSino will deliver three million doses of its Ad5-nCoV vaccine by July and that Gamaleya will send eight million doses of the Sputnik...
By Cal Montesino In the lush province of Esmeraldas, on Ecuador’s northern border with Colombia, farmers are proud to say they produce “black gold.” They are not talking about oil, Ecuador’s main export, but cocoa beans. The smooth, bitter-tasting paste extracted from the beans is the key ingredient in chocolate and one of this Andean...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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