
By Emily Laber-Warren The Sarayaku territory in Ecuador is a 500-square-mile roadless jungle reachable only by helicopter, small aircraft, or a full day’s canoe trip on the Bobonaza River. For outsiders, opportunities to connect with this community of about 1,200 people are rare. So, when anthropologist Eduardo Kohn received a shaky Skype call out of...
By Agustin Geist Digital banking startup Uala will double the size of its operations in Argentina and Mexico with a $64 million investment as it seeks to convince more people across Latin America to skip traditional banking in favor of digital, the head of the company said on Friday. Pierpaolo Barbieri, the Argentine company’s founder,...
In a Thursday news conference, the Ecuador Medical Federation and the Quito Chamber of Commerce asked the government to relax weekend confinement aimed at controlling the Covid-19 pandemic. “The restriction is causing great harm to Ecuadorian families, depriving them of the right to earn an income,” said Carlos Loaiza, president of the Chamber of Commerce....
Jueves, 6/5/2021 Hola, Todos – I’m tired so this is going to be a short issue. Actividades – Nada. Otras cosas – Titular – “De una quiebra salió ETAPA EP” (“ETAPA EP came out of insolvency”) – The Board of Directors of ETAPA will pick a new general manager tomorrow since José Luis Espinoza, who...
Yona Shemesh, 24, was born in Los Angeles, but he moved to Israel with his family at age 9. In July 2020, as the Covid-19 pandemic was raging, he booked a ticket to Los Angeles to visit his grandparents in June 2021, knowing that he would have nearly an entire year to renew his American...
Although the daily news reports from Cuenca’s two public and three private hospitals that accept Covid-19 paint a dire picture, most of those hospitalization are of people from out of town. The majority of patients are from Loja, El Oro, Morona Santiago and Zamora Chinchipe Provinces, with Clinica Santa Inés reporting that it is treating...
Four gunmen, two dressed as policemen, entered a hospital in Guayaquil Wednesday morning and killed a Peruvian woman they mistook for their intended target. The armed men asked the nurses at a reception desk for the room number of the man they intended to kill but it turned out he was released on Tuesday. The...
Miércoles, 5/5/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Taller de Crónica (Chronicle Workshop) – The site Los Cronistas has an online workshop called “La delgada línea entre la realidad y la ficción” (The thin line between reality and fiction) <There are too many people who just don’t know where to put...
Rising rates of Covid-19 infections in Brazil and other countries in Latin America are prompting calls for the U.S. to send more doses of vaccines south. Among the arguments for the shipments is the risk posed by millions of Latinos traveling to and from the U.S. According to the latest population figures, more than 18...
I’ve been a photographer of women from the beginning. Although the fact is, I like to photograph everything. Mastering the abilities to make great visual recordings of all things is good business. It is sufficient unto itself to be a photographer, no descriptors are needed. Qualifiers like “wedding”, “landscape” and “street” are unnecessary. I’m especially...
By Kenny Stancil Dozens of Nobel laureates on Tuesday demanded that the U.S. Department of Justice intervene immediately to stop the prosecution of human rights attorney Steven Donziger by a corporate law firm with ties to Chevron, which has relentlessly demonized Donziger since his legal team first won a multibillion dollar judgement against the oil giant in 2011...
Three Quito physicians are questioning President-elect Guillermo Lasso’s efforts to purchase Covid-19 vaccines from China and Russia, claiming the doses have not been adequately vetted by researchers. In a letter to Lasso, the doctors claim the Chinese Sinovac and Russian Sputnik V vaccines “have not undergone the rigorous testing” applied to vaccines approved for use...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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