
Martes, 4/5/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Otras cosas – Titular – Cuenca registra caso de variante de Nueva York (Cuenca registers case of New York variant) – Since the beginning of the state of emergency on 23/4 to el pasado domingo, 2/5 which included 2 weekends of total confinement, there was an incremento...
By Associated Press Staff Mars missions, astronauts coming and going at the International Space Station, China’s increasingly ambitious space program. Space-related news is flowing, and not just from the world’s richest, biggest nations. Take Latin America. On Feb. 17, the congress in Nicaragua, one of the region’s poorest, most conflict-prone nations, approved a law creating a space...
In an interview with Guayaquil newspaper El Universo, President-elect Guillermo Lasso admits that he faces massive challenges when he assumes office in three weeks. He talks about the urgent need to vaccinate Ecuadorians against the Covid-19 virus, to reduce the skyrocketing poverty rate and to resurrect a struggling economy. He also explains how he can...
Martes, 3/5/2021 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Otras cosas – Titular – Pizarras “manchadas” “stained” blackboards ) – Data from the Ministerio de Educación showed 4.066 victims of sexual abuse in Ecuadorian schools between 2014 & 2019. 1.983 teachers were accused of sexual abuse inside schools. A data base revealed that in at least...
The head of El Salvador’s parliament on Monday accused President Nayib Bukele of an “attempted coup” after soldiers entered the building while Bukele demanded lawmakers approve a military loan. Bukele had “attempted a coup d’etat” against the legislative assembly on Sunday, said Mario Ponce, of the conservative National Coalition Party (PCN), after meeting with fellow...
National and municipal police were busy over the second weekend of the 28-day health emergency, interrupting illegal parties and arresting curfew violators. The National Police report breaking up 583 parties and mass gatherings, making 516 arrests for curfew violations and issuing more than a thousand fines to drivers on the streets without legitimate reasons. The...
Area news media say it is receiving a deluge of complaints about the Covid-19 vaccination program in Cuenca and Azuay Province. The complaints include unannounced changes in vaccination locations, cancelled appointments, lack of notification of appointments, lack of documentation and a disconnect between public health ministry announcements and vaccination stations. Social media platforms are also...
Colombian President Ivan Duque said on Sunday he would withdraw a proposed tax reform after deadly protests and widespread lawmaker opposition, though he insisted a reform is still necessary to ensure fiscal stability. Protests that began Wednesday have led to at least seven deaths continued on Sunday in Bogota, Medellin and Cali, despite the announcement....
By Julie Creswell Inside a state-of-the-art lab, tucked in an industrial neighborhood on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, employees wearing protective suits move around two clear boxes, careful not to disrupt the tubes and sensors that keep temperature and humidity constant. Inside the boxes are mushrooms. But not just any mushrooms. They are psychedelic —...
By Robert Bradley Dr. Jeff Salz, acclaimed “America’s pre-eminent anthropologist-adventurer” by the Discovery Network and History Channel, died Tuesday of Covid-19 at the age of 68 in Cuenca. Jeff established a reputation for blending his passion for communication with his love for mountaineering. He was a noted motivational speaker, headlining seminars for companies as diverse...
There are “signs of hope” in Ecuador’s fight against the Covid-19 virus, according to Juan Zapata, president of the national Emergency Operations Committee. “There has been a decline in new cases during the first week of the health emergency and we believe the numbers will continue to go down,” he said. “It is difficult to...
The trouble with using a word as a catchall insult is that it loses its force. If everyone is a racist, then no one is. If U.S. Sens. John McCain and Mitt Romney were extremists, what was former President Donald Trump? It works both ways. Just as “fascist” and “Nazi” have been worn out through...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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