
Ecuador Health Minister Juan Carlos Zevallos reports that the number of new Covid-19 cases has declined significantly since early September. “We are very encouraged by the numbers and expect continued improvement in the pandemic situation,” he said Thursday. “In particular, we are pleased to see a dramatic drop in the number of deaths due to...
By Geoff Brumfiel Two new peer-reviewed studies are showing a sharp drop in mortality among hospitalized COVID-19 patients. The drop is seen in all groups, including older patients and those with underlying conditions, suggesting that physicians are getting better at helping patients survive their illness. “We find that the death rate has gone down substantially,”...
Interior Minister María Paula Romo says that police will “take whatever measures necessary” to keep today’s national protests peaceful. “We have received reports that outside actors intent on creating violence will infiltrate today’s marches,” she said. “We are on alert for lawlessness and will not tolerate incidents such as those that occurred in the 2019...
Miércoles, 21/10/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Otras cosas – Titular – Aglomeraciones aumentan riesgo (Crowds increase risk) – ECU-911 alerted Cuencanos that the city is returning to having a high number of large gatherings which increases the risk of a new outbreak of Covid. There was a tenfold increase in crowds last weekend compared...
Bolivia’s president-elect Luis Arce said there was “no role” in his government for socialist party leader Evo Morales, who governed for almost 14 years before resigning under pressure last year and fleeing the country. Arce swept to power in a Sunday ballot, with the official count – technically still under way – showing him with...
By Holly Ellyatt Covid-19 is likely to become as “endemic” as the annual flu virus, according to the U.K.’s chief scientific advisor. Some potential vaccines are in late-stage clinical trials, but Patrick Vallance said none is likely to eradicate the virus. “The notion of eliminating Covid from anywhere is not right, because it will come...
Martes, 20/10/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Del cuerpo del periodico – EMAC lanza concurso de balcones floridos (EMAC launches flowered balcony contest) – The Empresa Municipal de Aseo de Cuenca (EMAC) is launching the ‘Balcones Floridos’ contest which will start el 23/10 with registrations until 8/11 at Plants typical of Cuenca are grown...
Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro, who has consistently downplayed the severity of the coronavirus outbreak, said Thursday that COVID-19 vaccinations will not be obligatory when they become available. “Many people want the vaccine to be applied in a coercive way, but there is no law that provides for that,” Bolsonaro said in a Facebook live chat...
Cuenca’s independence holidays will have a different look this year due to the coronavirus pandemic. Gone are the craft and food fairs that have highlighted past holidays. Also gone are the parades and concerts. In their place, the city is promoting a variety of local and nearby attractions as well as the city’s restaurants, some...
Lunes, 19/10/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Contadores de historias sacan patrimonio fílmico de bóvedas (Storytellers extract film heritage from vaults) – The VII edition of the Festival Latinoamericano de Cine de Quito (FLACQ) will be from 15-20/10. The festival will be presented in a virtual format with 19 short...
Demonstrations in Chile against inequality have turned violent as vandals burned two churches, virtually destroying one of them. A police headquarters was also firebombed and shops were looted in the protests, which started peacefully. The protests were marking a year since the start of a mass protest movement that rocked Chile for two months. Demonstrators...
By Ann Marie Miller You might not know it, but U.S. citizens are ditching their status as Americans in droves. “Citizide” is a dramatic term for what’s really just renouncing one’s citizenship, a step that a rapidly increasing number of U.S. citizens living abroad are taking to avoid the complicated and expensive tax burdens imposed...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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