
The streets of El Centro were crowded with tourists Friday night and Cuenca restaurant and hotel owners couldn’t be happier. “We expected more customers but this is even better than we hoped for,” said Jorge Ramirez, standing outside the café he manages in the new Casa del Parque complex on Parque Calderon. “We have people...
By Ariana Eunjung Cha, Loveday Morris and Michael Birnbaum After working for three months straight at Detroit Medical Center, Said El Zein noticed that the coronavirus patients who began arriving in May appeared less sick than those who came before. More than 4,000 miles away in northern Italy, researcher Chiara Piubelli was struck by the same thing....
By Michaeleen Doucleff In case you were still procrastinating getting a flu shot this year, here’s another reason to make it a priority. There’s a chance the vaccine could offer some protection against Covid-19 itself, says virologist Robert Gallo, who directs the Institute of Human Virology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and...
Ecuadorians will be able to travel by private vehicle without restriction during the three-day Guayaquil independence holiday weekend. Although many of the country’s 221 municipalities have already lifted restrictions, some have not, making cross-country travel difficult. “All local governments have agreed to allow free vehicular circulation from Friday through Sunday so Ecuadorians can enjoy the...
Scientists in Chile are investigating a possible mutation of the novel coronavirus in southern Patagonia, a far-flung region near the tip of the South American continent that has seen an unusually contagious second wave of infections in recent weeks. Dr. Marcelo Navarrete of the University of Magallanes told Reuters in an interview that researchers had...
By Nicolas Bloom One of the biggest changes brought on by the coronavirus pandemic has been the inundation of working from home — and it doesn’t come without challenges. As an economics professor at Stanford University, I’ve talked to dozens of CEOs, senior managers and policymakers about the future of work. This has been built on...
Jueves, 8/10/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Otras cosas – Titular – El Azuay abre sus puertas al turismo (Azuay opens its doors to tourism) – Self-care and security measures are the basis for opening Cuenca up to tourists during the national holiday that starts mañana. The director of the Fundación Turismo para Cuenca,...
Miércoles, 7/10/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – En el Seminario San Luis se narrarán las historias del pasado (Stories of the past will be told at the San Luis Seminary) – As part of the 9 de octubre holiday, the Archdiocese of Cuenca and the Barojo Collective will bring back...
Rafael Correa, the leftist leader who governed Ecuador for a decade and defaulted on its debt, and his protégé in next year’s presidential election said they would reject the spending cuts requested by the International Monetary Fund as part of a loan deal. “These austerity policies kill economies,” Correa said in an interview from exile...
By Emily Rauhala A nephew of President John F. Kennedy rallied a German crowd against big pharma and Bill Gates. American conspiracy theories have spurred anti-vaccine protests in Canada and Britain. A California-made video seeded “plandemic” panic around the world. The coronavirus crisis is energizing America’s anti-vaccine movement and expanding its reach. Even as countries...
Martes, 6/10/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Otras cosas – Titular – Méndez pedirá auditoría (Méndez will request an audit) – Cecilia Méndez assumed the post of prefect ayer, replacing Yaku Pérez who submitted his irrevocable resignation ayer and registered his presidential candidacy hoy with the movimiento Pachakutic. Méndez, a 58 year old sociologist, said...
By Miriam Drake First and foremost, be good to yourself.  I cannot emphasize this enough!  Ask yourself, “Without me, where would my patient be?”  The point to remember above all else is to delegate early in the process of the illness or recovery, so that you avoid the bane of caregivers everywhere: severe burn out,...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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