
By Stephen Roach The riddle once posed in the 1960s by former French finance minister (eventually president) Valéry Giscard d’Estaing is about to be solved. Giscard bemoaned a U.S. that took advantage of its privileged position as the world’s dominant reserve currency and drew freely on the rest of the world to support its over-extended...
Ecuador should raise its value added tax to at least 15 percent, substantially increase taxes on corporations and the wealthy, reduce tax exemptions and the size of government. According to the Ministry of Finance, those are the key demands the International Monetary Fund insists on to continue its loan program for Ecuador. “These things are...
The head of emergencies at the World Health Organization said Monday its “best estimates” indicate that roughly 1 in 10 people worldwide may have been infected by the coronavirus — more than 20 times the number of confirmed cases — and warned of a difficult period ahead. Dr. Michael Ryan, speaking to a special session...
The International Monetary Fund on Monday said that member governments should use low-interest loans to invest in infrastructure to drive recovery from the coronavirus pandemic and a shift toward greener energy. In its publication Fiscal Monitor, the IMF said its research shows public investment in infrastructure, including investments in health care systems, digital infrastructure and...
Lunes, 5/10/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Del cuerpo del periodico – Horarios misas en la catedral (Times for mass in the cathedral) – Starting from 4/10, there will be new hours for mass in the New Cathedral. From lunes a jueves they will be at 7:00, 9:00, 12:00 and 15:00. On viernes y sábados...
President Lenín Moreno announced Sunday that Ecuador will receive $7.15 billion during the next three months from five different international agencies. The money will be used to compensate laid-off workers, catch up salaries to government employees, pay contractors and cover arrears to local governments. In addition, the president said that funds would be used to...
Although passenger numbers remain far below those at the beginning of the year, Juan Pablo Vega, director of Cuenca’s Mariscal La Mar Airport, says conditions are steadily improving. On Saturday, he announced that Colombia-based Avianca has agreed to begin flights to Quito in January or February 2021. Avianca will join Latam-Ecuador, the only airline currently...
On the first anniversary of the violent protests that brought Ecuador to standstill in 2019, both the government and indigenous groups are keeping a wary eye on the streets. “Most of the problems that led to the mobilization have not been solved,” says protest leader Jaime Vargas, president of the indigenous coalition Conaie. “The promises...
By Liz Rowlinson Last month Tara and her family moved into a new home in rural Dorset after 12 years as expats in Singapore. Her banker husband had got a job back in the UK and within six weeks she “moved mountains” to extricate themselves from one life and create another — most urgently, a...
Although new Covid infections have reached a three-month low, Cuenca hospitals say they are running out of beds. According to the top administrator ta the Vicente Corral Moscoso public hospital, the number of patients with other diseases and victims of accidents has nearly doubled in recent weeks. The situation is the same at the Social...
“You can’t lock down everybody,” the chief of the Madrid region said on Thursday, pushing back against the Spanish government’s plan to confine the capital city to tackle a surge in COVID-19 cases. The health ministry said late on Wednesday that the central government was overriding regional authorities and would impose a lockdown of the...
By Vijay Prashad and Pilar Troya A recent poll showed that if Andrés Arauz Galarza were allowed to run in Ecuador’s presidential election of 2021, he would win in the first round with 45.9 percent of the vote. The pollsters found that Arauz — who was the minister of knowledge and human talent from 2015...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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