
By Daniel Martínez Garbuno Ecuatoriana de Aviación is a former airline that ceased operations in 2006, but now it is trying to revive under the brand Ecuatoriana Airlines and launch its operations in the first quarter of 2021. Little has been published on the subject, as the plans are relatively recent, but we have an...
By James Atwood, Valentine Fuentes & Jonathan Gilbert He couldn’t support his family. Matilde Alonso knew it was true but couldn’t believe it. The pandemic had just hit Guatemala with full force and Alonso, a 34-year-old construction worker, was suddenly unemployed. He sat up all by himself until late at night, his mind racing and...
As many as a thousand Venezuelan children enrolled in Cuenca public schools struggle to keep up in online classes due to a lack of computers and internet access. “Many of the children are using cell phones to log into their sessions and this puts them at an extreme disadvantage with students with laptops and tablets...
By Chris Matyszczyk There’s definitely a new normal but it’s not necessarily improved. Covid-19 has utterly altered many of the things we used to take for granted. My wife and I used to enjoy the occasional escape. By changing locations, the hope was that we could escape our daily minds and return, even if briefly,...
By Tamara Hardingham-Gill Sitting squeezed between a number of strangers on board an aircraft might feel like a risky position during these uncertain times. But according to some experts who point to the very few documented cases of in-flight transmission, the chances of catching Covid-19 while on board a flight are actually relatively slim. Fear...
Police believe that the deaths of two North Americans found Friday night in their northside Cuenca apartment was probably the result of carbon monoxide poisoning. Police say the couple, along with their dog, appear to have been dead for about five days. Police were called to investigate following reports from neighbors of a strong odor...
Latin American leaders have appealed at the United Nations for free access to a future Covid-19 vaccine, urging major powers to share their know-how for the sake of global well-being. Latin America has taken a heavy blow from Covid-19 with nearly nine million cases and more than 330,000 deaths, one third of the global total,...
Jueves, 24/9/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – En el Complejo de Ingapirca volverán a recibir visitantes (The Ingapirca Complex will again receive visitors) – This coming sábado, Ingapirca will reopen with hours of 9:30-15:00 from viernes a domingo which will be in effect for a month. The complex will restrict...
By Sandee LaMotte The proof is piling up: Many synthetic chemicals can harm your health and that of your children. Evidence has doubled in the last five years about the negative impact on our health of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in plastics, pesticides, flame retardants and other merchandise, according to a new review of recent literature. “It’s...
Miércoles, 23/9/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Otras cosas – Titular – Consulta minera causa polémica (Mining referendum causes controversy) – According to the Comité Empresarial Ecuatoriano, a business group, the resolution from the Corte Constitucional which gave the go-ahead for the referendum in Cuenca will not be retroactive. If the Sí win, the...
By Jancee Dunn Dave Asprey, founder of the supplement company Bulletproof and one of the many Silicon Valley tech titans obsessed with lengthening their life spans, famously declared he wants to live beyond 180 years. That sounds, frankly, exhausting. Yet who wouldn’t want to take a languorous sip from the gerontological cup, assuming reasonable health...
Bolivia’s conservative interim president, Jeanine Anez, pulled out of next month’s general election on Tuesday, a move that should strengthen other candidates running against the front-running socialist party of ex-leader Evo Morales. Political analysts say the move is a desperation attempt to stop a left-wing return to power. Several polls suggest the socialists could win...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 22

Ecuador on the Brink: Corn Shortage Sparks Food Crisis.

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Country Faces Severe Rainfall Deficit Across Multiple Regions.

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The United States Clarifies No Plans for Permanent Military Presence in Ecuador, Amidst Growing Cooperation.

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