
By Julia Leite, Murilo Fagundes and Caroline Aragaki Rush hour is back with a vengeance in Mexico City, diners have returned to restaurants in Bogota and joggers have flocked to Buenos Aires’s parks. In Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, crowds have packed bars, beaches and even the sprawling fake lawn beneath Alphabet Inc’s regional...
By Dana Smith At the beginning of the pandemic in March, Jeffrey VanWingen, MD, a Michigan family physician, scared the bejeezus out of people and infuriated food scientists. During his 13-minute video, which went viral on YouTube and has been viewed over 26 million times, VanWingen tells people that when they come back from the...
In extended session Friday night, the Cuenca municipal council approved a series of rules and restrictions to control the Covid-19 virus. There were no major changes to proposals made in the council’s Tuesday’s first debate. The new measures, which go into effect Wednesday, September 23, replace national restrictions that had been in force since mid-March...
By Jan Dynes Ah, to swim in inky black water rippling gently, surrounding you like the comfort of loving arms, knowing sunrise is still hours away. I don’t care that I should be sleeping, I am floating, floating in my own special infinite world under a sky of twinkles, brighter and fainter with what looks...
By Tessa Koumoundouros For many of us, weight loss — with a goal to be healthier overall — has proven notoriously hard. Factors outside our control, from genetics and reliance on certain medications, to time and money restraints, can make it even tougher. But perhaps we’re focussing too much on the wrong thing. A new...
The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) confirms the position of Ecuador’s Health Ministry that Covid-19 infections and deaths has reached a plateau in the country and that the situation is improving in most areas. According to PAHO, deaths have held steady since late May, with an average daily count of 33 officially reported. “There are...
Jueves, 17/9/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Otras cosas – Titular – Urge la transición (The transition is urgent) – Vice-prefect Cecilia Méndez asked Prefect Yaku Pérez to start the transition period before his imminent renunciation so he can participate in the presidential campaign. She also announced that in the past few weeks, there...
The District Court of The Hague ruled in favor of Chevron in its dispute with Ecuador, upholding a 2018 arbitral award rendered by an international tribunal administered by the Permanent Court of Arbitration. The international arbitral tribunal found that a $9.5 billion Ecuadorian judgment against Chevron was procured through egregious fraud and corruption by the...
Ecuador’s health ministry says residents should not let down their guard against the coronavirus pandemic. “Because the official state of emergency has ended does not mean the health crisis is over,” says Xavier Solórzano, vice health minister. “It is true that the situation has improved or has stabilized in most of the country but this...
Police said Wednesday’s anti-government protests were mostly peaceful in Cuenca although small fires were set in several locations and tram service was interrupted on two occasions when demonstrators blocked the tracks. At least three protesting groups — University of Cuenca faculty and students, the United Workers Front (FUT) and medical workers — came together late...
Miércoles, 16/9/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Otras cosas – Titular – Mercados buscan recuperar clients (Markets seek to recover clients) – The Municipio has started a campaign called “Tu mercado, baratito y con yapa” to reactivate the mercados. Sales fell noticeably during the health emergency, and venders thought it was because customers were...
The government of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has committed systematic human rights violations including killings and torture amounting to crimes against humanity, United Nations investigators said in a report on Wednesday. Reasonable grounds existed to believe that Maduro and his interior and defense ministers ordered or contributed to the crimes documented in the report to...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 29

Cuenca’s Deluge: Rains Bring Relief and Risks After Prolonged Drought.

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Government’s Decision to Relocate CELEC Headquarters Sparks Local Backlash.

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Eight years and counting…

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How to Receive Amazon Orders in Ecuador for Just $5 with the New ‘Flat Rate’.

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Fund Grace News