
The Amazonian Shuar Kumay community released six people they had kidnapped to demand the release of the body of a leader killed by the coronavirus, the government of Ecuador said on Sunday. Two police officers, two soldiers and two civilians were taken captive by the indigenous people on Thursday in the village of Kumay near...
By Miriam Drake It is challenging, anywhere in the world to care for a husband whose health has deteriorated to the point that he cannot speak, one side of the body is completely paralyzed, and he has no sensations in his core. In Cuenca, Ecuador it is beyond challenging. All the systems here are designed...
By Mark Terry Researchers have been analyzing and tracking the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, since it first appeared in China in January and a team at the Scripps Research Institute have found that the strains spreading so quickly in Europe and the U.S. have a mutated S “spike” protein that makes it about 10 times more...
An indigenous group in the Ecuadorian Amazon has taken two police officers and a state official hostage to demand authorities return the body of a community leader who according to the government died of CovidD-19. Interior Minister Maria Paula Romo said the man died of Covid-19 and was subsequently buried in accordance with international protocols...
United States Ambassador to Ecuador Michael Fitzpatrick announced Thursday that the U.S. has withdrawn more than 300 visas of Ecuadorian citizens who may have been involved in illegal activities. The move follows last month’s arrests in a Guayaquil public hospital corruption case that included dozens of government officials and members of prominent Ecuadorian families. Several...
The Cuenca Emergency Operations Committee (COE) voted Friday night to maintain yellow light health emergency restrictions but is asking the national COE for permission to begin the nightly curfew at 7 p.m. instead of the current 11 p.m. It is also asking the national COE to allow a nighttime ban on liquor sales and for...
By Jacqueline Howard Scientists around the world are racing to develop Covid-19 vaccines and there’s news almost daily about steps forward — this week, there was “encouraging” preliminary data for some vaccine candidates and word from top health officials that the United States could be on track to have a vaccine by the end of...
By John Keeble This is an age of hate and fear and anger. And, for many, it will be getting worse over the coming months. Of course, for others it will be a way to cash in on political support and profits. And, for some, it will be yet more incentive to vent their hateful...
Ecuador should pass a Data Protection Law to ensure that the use of personal data to contain Covid-19 does not lead to violations of the right to privacy, Human Rights Watch said Thursday. The Ecuadorian government is collecting and processing the personal data of users to monitor compliance with its quarantine and isolation measures, identify...
Jueves, 2/7/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Otras cosas – Titular – Decisiones del COE causan controversia (COE decisions cause controversy) – See article in Thursday’s in CHL for story. Masks, gel y alcohol seized – The municipal ordinance about health bio-security prohibits the sale of masks and products like antiseptic alcohol and sanitizing...
By Jan Dynes Blessed was I to grow up with fine literature at my fingertips in Nana’s Chippendale desk. It stood polished and majestic and yet also oozed dust motes of past brilliance from long deceased poets, playwrights and novelists, dripping of a more romantic and yet brutal past too, enthralled by the rich leather-bound...
If you enjoy a daily cocktail or some wine with dinner, you’ll want to raise your glass to this: A new study found low to moderate drinking may improve cognitive function for White middle-aged or older adults. Low to moderate drinking was defined as less than eight drinks per week for women and less than...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 29

Cuenca’s Deluge: Rains Bring Relief and Risks After Prolonged Drought.

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Government’s Decision to Relocate CELEC Headquarters Sparks Local Backlash.

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Eight years and counting…

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How to Receive Amazon Orders in Ecuador for Just $5 with the New ‘Flat Rate’.

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