
By Andrew Nikiforuk We are going to have to dramatically downsize the dream of a future in which we replace 150-year-old fossil fuel infrastructure with “clean energy” by 2050. That’s the message in a number of recent important reports and books. They underscore a number of problems with the renewables illusion, including the complexity of...
Miércoles, 12/4/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Feria de emprendedores en el Portal Artesanal (Entrepreneurs Fair at the Portal Artesanal) – The “Cuenca del Emprendimiento y la Artesanía” Feria will be this viernes y sábado in the Plaza del Portal Artesanal with 50 entrepreneurs, craftspeople and artists from different parts of the country. Hours will...
Opposition by indigenous communities in Ecuador is holding up some $1 billion of investments for constructing three mining projects in the South American country, an executive of the Ecuadorian Chamber of Mining said on Tuesday. Ecuador’s largest indigenous organization, CONAIE, last month asked the country’s top court to annul a government decree that sets parameters...
By Connie Chang When we’re young, exercise can enable us to run a race after an all-nighter or snowboard on a diet of Doritos. But as we age, fitness has a much more far-reaching impact, boosting our energy levels, preventing injuries and keeping us mentally sharp. Aging causes muscles to lose mass, bone density to...
National Police and the armed forces are looking for as many as 30 men who murdered nine fishermen and injured five more in Esmeraldas Tuesday morning. The hooded “hit team” arrived on foot, by boat and taxi at a dock warehouse and opened fire. Several of the victims were shot in the water after they...
A team of botanists from Ecuador, Germany, and the United States has described two new species of carnivorous plants with striking appearance. They are part of the butterworts (genus Pinguicula), a group of flowering plants with about 115 species that can catch and digest small insects with their sticky leaves. Whereas the majority of butterwort...
By Maggie Harrison Last weekend, comedian and YouTuber Adam Conover took to YouTube to publish a scathing 25-minute-long video essay addressing the ongoing AI gold rush. And honestly? It goes pretty hard. “Tech companies are suddenly promising to use AI to revolutionize everything from computer programming to customer service to therapy,” Conover said in the...
Lunes, 10/4/2023 Hola, Todos – I will be taking about 3 weeks off starting this Friday and resume translating on Wed., May 3. Actividades – Todo listo para el desfile estudiantil (Everything ready for the student parade) – There will be a parade celebrating the 466th anniversary of the founding of Cuenca el 11/4. The...
By Stephen Vargha Everyone has heard the joke that the “world’s oldest profession” is prostitution. And it has been said the “world’s second-oldest profession” is spying because there are at least two dozen passages about it in the Bible. Those two professions were nowhere near being some of the first. Tailoring is considered one of...
In a major blow to the government, the Imbabura Provincial Court has revoked the license of the Enami-Codelco mine in the Intag forest of Imbabura Province. The judges agreed with local residents who claimed that the Chilean-operated mine violated environmental protections granted by the constitution. “This is a victory for the anti-mining resistance,” said plaintiff’s...
By Francesco Manetto In recent days, two photographs have connected the nearly 4,000 miles (6,300 kilometers) that separate the Mexican state of Quintana Roo and the Chilean city of Santiago. The images are radically different, but they speak of the same thing: a security crisis. In the first photo, soldiers are seen patrolling the beaches...
Lunes, 7/4/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Un abanico de atractivos en feriado de Semana Santa (A range of attractions for the Easter holiday) – Even though getting to Cuenca is difficult for tourists, there are still many things to do if you’re here with the main attractions being gastronomía típica <have you had your...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Fund Grace News

Amazon eco lodge News