
By Oliver Griffin As the coronavirus kills thousands and dominates government and media attention across Latin America, another deadly viral infection is quietly stalking the region. Dengue — colloquially called breakbone fever for the severe joint pain it causes — is endemic in much of Latin America, but Covid-19’s arrival has pulled crucial attention and...
The Ministries of Health and Tourism and the Agency for Sanitary Control have released a 21-page document specifying the regulations that restaurants, bars and cafes must follow when they reopen. Most of Ecuador’s eating and drinking establishments are closed to sit-down business as a result of the Covid-19 health emergency but are expected to reopen...
By Cassandra Garrison, Marina Lammertyn, Anthony Boadle Indigenous peoples across Latin America are cutting off their communities from the outside world, worried that the coronavirus could pose a grave threat to their culture by putting at risk tribal elders, the keepers of their heritage. From the rocky Patagonian regions of Argentina to the lush Brazilian...
Lunes, 11/5/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – There was no pagina cultural today. <Another victim of Covid?> Del cuerpo del periodico – La Fiesta de la Música cancelled – This annual festival which is organized by the Alianza Francesa has been cancelled this year. But there will be a virtual...
By Christine Armario and Adrian Vazquez Before the coronavirus, sudden life-threatening ailments among tourists, fishermen and others on the Galapagos Islands were considered so rare that hospitals didn’t have a single intensive care unit bed. Now, officials are racing to equip medical teams on the remote islands with breathing machines while also trying to staunch...
President Lenín Moreno says he is frustrated that only three of the country’s 221 cantons have opted to relax Covid-19 restrictions beginning today. Last week, all cantons continued the health emergency lockdown. “I am frustrated that more municipalities [cantons] have not voted to move from red light to yellow light conditions,” Moreno said Friday. “We...
By Conor Friedersdorf Should states ease pandemic restrictions or extend lockdowns and shelter-in-place orders into the summer? That question confronts leaders across the United States. President Trump says that “we have to get our country open.” And many governors are moving quickly in that direction. Critics are dismayed. Citing forecasts that Covid-19 deaths could rise...
Cuenca will continue in lockdown mode until at least May 17, the cantonal Emergency Operations Committee (COE) decided Friday night. Committee members said they are concerned about overloading local hospitals with coronavirus patients and say that several other recommendations by the World Health Organization remain unmet. In a statement, the COE said it understands the...
By Jeremiah Reardon Dedicated to Cary Riggs (pen name Jay Cardam). Former CWC Member. Died May 2, 2020 in New Orleans. You may have wondered what was going on in that back room of the Sunrise Café as you passed by to the bathroom or took a table in the light-filled atrium. Until the current...
The World Bank’s board of directors on Thursday approved $506 million in emergency loans and grants for Ecuador to help the country grapple with one of the worst coronavirus outbreaks in Latin America, the Bank said in a statement. President Lenin Moreno thanked the World Bank and said the money will be critical in getting...
It’s time to get back to work. That’s the message President Lenin Moreno delivered to the country Thursday night in a television address. “We have worked hard to overcome the deadly coronavirus and we continue with that mission but it is now time to begin our return to normal life and the restoration of the...
Jueves, 7/5/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – “Harry Potter en casa” – Harry Potter fans can learn more about his magical world at the web page where there are resources and activities for all ages. There are podcasts and videos where the actors read chapters, and you can read...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 29

Cuenca’s Deluge: Rains Bring Relief and Risks After Prolonged Drought.

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Government’s Decision to Relocate CELEC Headquarters Sparks Local Backlash.

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Eight years and counting…

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How to Receive Amazon Orders in Ecuador for Just $5 with the New ‘Flat Rate’.

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