
Ecuador’s lockdown on personal movement and business activity will end Monday, May 4 in what Interior Minister María Paula Romo describes as a “half-way retrun to normalcy.” The new phase will emphasize social distancing instead of stay-at-home confinement. “We will move from isolation to distancing and will depend on the cooperation of all Ecuadorians,” she...
National and local business organizations say Ecuador’s economy faces a “depression” if Covid-19 restrictions are not lifted soon. The national Chamber of Industries and Production says that 23,000 businesses face record financial loses and possibly bankruptcy and that 500,000 jobs are at risk. Executive Director of the Chamber Pablo Zambrano said Thursday that business is...
Jueves, 23/3/2020 Hola, Todos – The spider wishes you a happy Un-April Fool’s Day. Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Día del Libro – Book Day was celebrated by the Casa de la Cultura today with a reading of Camus’ “La Peste” (The Plague) that started at 9:00 on Zoom and Facebook Live. <A...
By Jim Mustian and Jake Bleiberg Coronavirus is dealing a gut punch to the illegal drug trade, paralyzing economies, closing borders and severing supply chains in China that traffickers rely on for the chemicals to make such profitable drugs as methamphetamine and fentanyl. One of the main suppliers that shut down is in Wuhan, the...
Minister of Health Juan Carlos Zevallos said Wednesday that the Covid-19 outbreak in Guayas Province has peaked. At the same time, he said that the spread of the virus continues in most of the country and that it will be days, maybe weeks, before the “curve begins to flatten.” “The virus arrived earlier in Guayaquil...
Miércoles, 22/4/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Festival “La Cumbre de las Artes” (The Summit of the Arts) – This edition, “El rencuentro. ¡De casa adentro!” (Reunion. ¡From home inside!) was scheduled for 3-30/4 from Colombia and included invited artists from Ecuador, including Cuenca. It will now be digital on...
By John Keeble Emergency supplies of food are being taken around to many of Cuenca’s thousands of Venezuelan refugees as lockdown rules bite harder every day on those who have lost every means to earn money and buy food. They are part of the wider efforts to help Cuenca’s poor and vulnerable get through the...
By Ed Konderla I have been disheartened by how many expats post articles on these pages that appear to me to reflect weak, selfish characters. Characters you don’t expect mature people to have after living abundant lives full of opportunity that most of us have had living in the U.S. Especially in contrast to the...
Martes, 21/4/2020 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nada. Otras cosas – Titular – Precio del petróleo por los suelos (Oil price down to the ground) – See Tuesday’s CHL for the story. Health controls not working in Cuenca – In spite of the city wide quarantine, there is more movement in Narancay than before the...
By Stuart White and Pauline McKean “I’ve seen how in every person, every human being, a calling to care for the Earth occurs when, privately, their being tells them ‘this you must do’’, José Morquecho said in a matter-of-fact way. When he made his observation, José was busy planting trees during a reforestation project along...
By John Keeble Hey, Daddy, what did you do in The Great Pandemic of 2020? Well, son, I stayed at home, drank a lot of wine, and thought. But, Daddy, couldn’t you have done something more important than think? Actually, son, no. Thinking was the most important thing that most of us could do. While...
By Bernard Avishai Nassim Nicholas Taleb is “irritated,” he told Bloomberg Television on March 31, whenever the coronavirus pandemic is referred to as a “black swan,” the term he coined for an unpredictable, rare, catastrophic event, in his best-selling 2007 book of that title. “The Black Swan” was meant to explain why, in a networked...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 29

Cuenca’s Deluge: Rains Bring Relief and Risks After Prolonged Drought.

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Government’s Decision to Relocate CELEC Headquarters Sparks Local Backlash.

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Eight years and counting…

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How to Receive Amazon Orders in Ecuador for Just $5 with the New ‘Flat Rate’.

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