
By Jan Dynes Ecuador had an earthquake two weeks ago. Our rescue teams were kept very busy in everyplace affected, although I think here in Cuenca that many citizens also leaped into action and helped as well. This is a country where everyone helps their neighbors. I have seen it in action and been a...
As residents of Alausí joined the search for survivors at the site of Sunday’s landslide, officials say it is unlikely more will be found. A 13-year-old girl and a young man were pulled alive from the rubble on Monday and Tuesday. On Tuesday four more bodies were recovered and taken to the municipal morgue, bringing...
As the likelihood the Constitutional Court will green-light an impeachment trial against President Guillermo Lasso grows, members of the National Assembly acknowledged Tuesday that they could soon be without a job if Lasso invokes the muerte cruzada, or death cross. If the death cross is called, the Assembly would be dissolved and new elections would...
By Sylvan Hardy As they do every year, a small group will gather Wednesday on the banks of the Rio Paute, near the town of Paute, to remember those killed 30 years ago in what has become known simply as the Josefina Disaster, a giant landslide that blocked the Rio Paute. The blockage created what...
Local officials are crediting the slow development of Sunday night’s landslide in Alausí for saving lives. According to the Alausí mayor’s office, many residents in the slide zone felt the movement of the earth or heard the rumble of rocks as the landslide began above the city, providing several minutes of warning. On Monday night,...
Lunes, 27/3/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De El Mercurio del sábado, 25/3: Las Oblatas abren su museo y huerto (The Oblates open their museum and orchard) – After 2 years of preparation and work, the Oblatas Sisters of Cuenca opened their first museum in the Todo Santos complex. The items displayed in this first...
Editor’s note: This is the second of a two-part series about plans Mayor-elect Cristian Zamora has for Cuenca. To read part one, click here. By Stephen Vargha Public transportation systems bring many benefits to individuals, cities, and the local economy. But all too often, they don’t get the amount of attention that they should. It...
Rescue teams worked through the night Sunday and early Monday following a massive landslide in the Alausí neighborhood of Pueblo Viejo. Police say that dozens of houses have been buried and that the death toll will be “tragically very high.” The landslide buried the Pan American highway that connects Cuenca to Riobamba and points north....
Editor’s note: This is the first of a two-part series about plans Mayor-elect Cristian Zamora has for Cuenca. By Stephen Vargha Cuenca’s incoming Mayor, Cristian Zamora, has ambitious and progressive plans for the town he grew up in. “I want to concentrate on security, health, government efficiency and services, and education,” said Zamora. Zamora’s platform...
Viernes, 24/3/2023 Hola, Todos – If there’s anyone out there who is missing collard greens, I have a lot of seeds. The greens bolted and went to seed so I’m not sure what’s coming up – something closer to the parent rather than the hybrid? If you want some seeds – they’re not in the...
By Ian Sample The brew is so potent that practitioners report not only powerful hallucinations, but near-death experiences, contact with higher-dimensional beings, and life-transforming voyages through alternative realities. Often before throwing up, or having trouble at the other end. Now, scientists have gleaned deep insights of their own by monitoring the brain on DMT, or...
By H.L. Mencken Of all the varieties of men, the one who is least comprehensible to me is the fellow who immolates himself on the altar of what he conceives to be the public interest – in other words, the reformer, the uplifter, the man, so called, of public spirit. What I am chiefly unable...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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