
The three-person body said on Thursday that the government of Nicaragua has committed, and continues to commit, acts of torture, extrajudicial executions and arbitrary detention since 2018. It names President Daniel Ortega and Vice President Rosario Murillo, who is his wife, as participants in the violations and calls for international legal action and sanctions against...
Viernes, 10/3/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Cómics africanos, de lucha social hasta futuristas (African comics, from social struggle to futuristic comics) – The Alianza Francesa de Cuenca has an exhibit of comics from Africa to change the idea that comics are about North American superheroes. This exhibit with 40 artists was shown in Paris...
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador appeared to depict the synthetic opioid epidemic largely as a U.S. problem, and said the United States should use family values to fight drug addiction. His statement came during a visit to Mexico by Liz Sherwood-Randall, the White House homeland security adviser, to discuss the fentanyl crisis. It also comes...
By Regina Garcia Cano Few Venezuelans have not had their lives touched by migration over the last decade, when more than 7 million people left the country amid a political, economic and humanitarian crisis that has lasted the entirety of President Nicolás Maduro’s government. In the 10 years since Venezuelans learned on March 5, 2013,...
Describing it as “extremely rare,” Ecuador’s weather agency says “Cyclone Yaku” will continue to cause flooding rains throughout the country. The weather system is centered off the coast of Northern Peru and has produced record rainfall in Guayas, El Oro and Manabí Provinces since Tuesday. The National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (Inamhi) said no...
By Heather Conley Two Saturdays ago, a busload of us were taken to Tarqui to see the FAAN dog rescue operation there. I was just an ordinary person on the bus and here’s what I saw… Our hosts were the advisory board of FAAN, one of the largest dog rescue groups working in our area,...
By Frank Nischk One afternoon, I was sitting on the veranda at the small research station in the reserve. I was alone, because my botanical colleagues were busy with their work in the forest. I was sorting and preparing my collection: dried crickets, the fruits of two weeks’ work in the cloud forest. Then I...
The largest International Women’s Day protest marches in the event’s history came off peacefully Wednesday in Quito, Cuenca, Guayaquil and other major cities. The number of marchers was bolstered by indigenous and labor organizations that pledged solidarity with women but also demanded the ouster of President Guillermo Lasso. In Quito, there was no repeat of...
Miércoles, 9/3/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Concierto sinfónico – The Orquesta Sinfónica de Cuenca will perform a new concert el 10/3 a las 20:00 in the Teatro Pumapungo. Guest violinist Jorge Saade will play. Free. Paccari abre su Casa de Experiencias para los cuencanos (Paccari opens its Casa de Experiencias for the people of...
By Bill Chappell The four Americans who were shot at and abducted in Mexico last week were reportedly visiting for medical tourism — making them part of a booming industry that is vital to Mexico’s economy. “Pre-pandemic, some 1.2 million American citizens traveled to Mexico for elective medical treatment,” Josef Woodman, CEO of Patients Beyond...
Today’s International Women’s Day protests could provide the first indicator of public opposition to President Guillermo Lasso since corruption charges were leveled against him in January. An annual event, this year’s marches in major cities are being joined by several labor unions as well as the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador. “This will be...
By Larry Welch I was an expat for six years — first in Spain and later in Cuenca — but I am no longer an expat. Having said that, I have to add that I have absolutely no regrets about my seven years living overseas. My wife and I had a blast and our lives...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Fund Grace News