
Miércoles, 1/3/2023 Hola, Todos – Titular – Debate juicio contra Lasso (Debate on the trial against Lasso) – See today’s (miércoles) story in CHL. Cuenca – 27 puntos críticos hay en la vía Girón-Pasaje (27 critical points on the vía Girón-Pasaje) – Authorities with MTOP reached an agreement with residents of Gramalote in Pucará canton...
By Romero Salazar Last weekend, I was talking to two extranjero friends from the U.S. about the political crisis in Ecuador. During the conversation I became aware how little they knew of the background of the crisis and I was happy share my knowledge and views with them. After our discussion, they suggested I write...
By Calvin Trillin “But haven’t you been there before?” That’s what people tended to say when they heard that I was about to spend a week or so in Cuenca. “Funny, I never get that sort of response with Paris,” I would reply. If I mentioned that I was about to spend a week or...
President Guillermo Lasso should face an impeachment trial in the National Assembly and be dismissed from office. That is the recommendation of a draft report released Tuesday by the special commission investigating corruption in public companies and government ties in an Albanian drug cartel. The commission, controlled by the Correista branch of the Assembly, meets...
By Jay Ratliff Recently, airlines have seen a drastic increase in the number of wheelchair requests. In fact, 25 passengers requested wheelchair assistance on one recent Southwest Airlines flight. And these numbers are growing. As we study the question of why more wheelchairs are being requested, immediately two questions come to mind: Are we seeing...
By Katie Surma Eduardo Mendúa, an Indigenous activist who was fighting to protect Ecuador’s Amazon rainforest from oil extraction, has been killed by gunmen, the Indigenous organization Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities reports. Mendúa, the director of international relations for CONAIE, or the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador, and a member of the A’i Cofan...
Lunes, 27/2/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De El Mercurio del domingo, 26/2: Sayausí, tierra fértil para el turismo rural (Sayausí, fertile soil for rural tourism) – If you like the countryside, nature, discovering new places, eating healthily, seeing ornamental plants, and breathing pure air, rural tourism is a good option without having to go...
By Stephen Vargha A career in Rolfing for Roosvelt Rojas began by accident. Literally. “I was living in Loja at the time, and I was rushing to Catamayo City Airport as I was late for my flight,” said Rojas. “I crashed and had major injuries as I could not move my body.” Doctors told Rojas...
By Michael Stott and Joe Parkin Daniels Colombia’s president was every inch the revolutionary. From the balcony of the presidential palace last week, Gustavo Petro denounced “neoliberalism” for causing war, Covid-19, hunger and the climate crisis. He railed against businesspeople whom he said were plotting to frustrate his reforms. Then he addressed the crowd below:...
President Guillermo Lasso called the decision of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador to end discussions with the government “short-sighted and regrettable” in Saturday social media comments. “Now is the time for rationality and peaceful coexistence with the intention of finding common ground,” he said. “It is not the time for threats.” Following Friday...
Viernes, 24/2/2023 Hola, Todas – Titular – Diez fotorradars registrarán multas a partir del lunes (Ten photo radar cameras to record fines starting Monday) – The contract between EMOV and the Movil Technology Consortium will start el lunes, 27/2, with the first 10 radars issuing tickets for speeding, illegal turns, not respecting stop lights, and...
In Friday night announcements, Ecuador’s two largest indigenous organizations said they will not mobilize a strike against the government but will allow the impeachment process against President Guillermo Lasso to proceed in the National Assembly. The decisions by the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie) and the National Confederation of Peasant, Indigenous and Black...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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