
Martes, 9/7/2019 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Revista – The magazine “Resaltador Digital” will be presented mañana a las 19:00 in the Piazza del Río at the Mall del Río. Charla – There will be a talk on “La ciencia y el lenguaje de los símbolos como punto de partida...
According to a gay rights activist group, at least two dozen same-sex couples were legally married Tuesday in civil ceremonies around Ecuador. Although the Constitutional Court legalized same-sex marriage June 12, the ruling did not take effect until it was registered Monday night in the government registry of laws and court decision. “I am certain...
An unusually heavy snowfall Monday night covered the Cajas Mountains from elevations of 4,200 meters and higher. Personnel at the Cajas National Park, west of Cuenca, estimated that snowfall measured as much as 14 centimeters in some locations. “Snow in the Cajas is typical in July and August but we were surprised by the amount...
President Lenin Moreno arrived in Italy Monday on the first leg of a three-nation European visit to promote investment in Ecuador. On Tuesday, he meets with Italian President Sergio Mattarella while meetings are scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday with French President Emmanuel Macron and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutt. Moreno is also scheduled to meet...
Ecuador’s agricultural ministry has ordered measures to protect the country’s banana industry from the so-called “Panama Disease” fungus that has ravaged the crop in other countries. The ministry has dispatched more than 100 agents to banana-growing regions in the coastal lowlands to train growers on ways to prevent infestation. The government has imposed a quarantine...
Lunes, 8/7/2019 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Cine – 18 short films in this festival will be shown from hoy to 10/7 a las 19:00 in the Universidad de las Artes <Oops, 77777I think it’s in Guayaquil.>. Danza – There will be a dance performance el 16/7 a las 20:00...
As it has for almost a decade, Venezuela’s murder rate leads all South American countries. In fact, its rate of more than 81 homicides per 100,000 residents is the highest in the world, far ahead of El Salvador’s 51 and Honduras’ 40. Trailing Venezuela in South America are Colombia and Brazil, both with murder rates...
Talks between the Venezuelan opposition and the government of President Nicolas Maduro to resolve the country’s political crisis will resume this week in Barbados but the countries most affected by the millions of Venezuelans leaving home have low expectations for the results. The Norwegian foreign ministry, which has been acting as a mediator, said the...
Ecuador will join the market-friendly regional trade bloc the Pacific Alliance next year, the president of Peru said on Saturday, in the latest sign of the South American country’s rightward shift under President Lenin Moreno. The Pacific Alliance was formed by Peru, Mexico, Colombia and Chile in 2012 to promote free trade and strengthen ties...
Viernes, 6/7/2019 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De la pagina cultural – Festival de Cine La Orquídea Cuenca – <This is a confusing article, so be warned I might be 180 degrees off.> The ex-prefect of Azuay, Paúl Carrasco, resigned from his office to run for mayor of Cuenca. Sometime before that, the paperwork to...
A frequent complaint of Cuenca tourists and expats is that they can’t find the tea they were accustomed to back home. Although Ecuadorians have a long tradition as tea drinkers, most of the local brews come from native plants of the Andes and surrounding lowlands. Mónica Malo, owner of the new Amatea tea shop in...
By Silvia Marchetti Half a century ago, the picturesque Sicilian town of Poggioreale was hit by an earthquake that caused most of its citizens to flee for good, even though many buildings remained standing. About 350 citizens died in the magnitude 6.1 quake while another 800 were injured. What the survivors left behind has become...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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