
By Rick Snyder It’s time to enjoy some famous comedies at An Evening of Short Plays, opening Friday, February 17 at 4 p.m. at the Azuay Community Theater. Following ACT’s first 2 first success productions of the 2022-23, It Had To Be You and It’s A Wonderful Life, the “Shorts” follows distinctly different themes by...
By Anastasia Piatakhina Giré We all come to our new country with some kind of luggage. Sometimes we bring with us some heavily charged suitcases, sometimes just a few books and a backpack. Even if we like to travel light, we still carry some pieces of our reality, the cultural, social and political realities of...
Ecuador’s Attorney General’s office has begun an investigation into the deaths of two men who were beaten and then burned to death last week in the Cotopaxi Province town of Toacaso. The deaths are being called “executions” by leaders of the Panzaleo, the indigenous people who make up the majority of Toacaso residents. “These men...
By Stephen Vargha In the last ten years, Cuenca has become more of an international city with its restaurants. A decade ago, the choices were very limited. Since then, the choices of food and drinks have exploded upon Cuenca’s culinary scene. “When I came back to Cuenca from the United States almost a decade ago,...
By Thomas Mackintosh A new 2,000-peso banknote will be issued in Argentina in response to soaring inflation, the country’s central bank (BCRA) has confirmed. The new note — which will be worth $11 (£9) officially — comes after consumer prices jumped by nearly 95% in the 12 months to the end of December. It marks...
A series of earthquakes over the weekend at the Cotopaxi volcano has put nearby communities on alert for what the national risk management office calls an “ominous threat.” In a Sunday statement, risk managers urged local officials in vulnerable areas of Cotopaxi and Pichincha Provinces to “increase the pace of preparations” for a possible eruption....
Martin Deschenes describes the cuisine of his new El Centro restaurant, Resto Maple Bar & Lounge, as mostly North American but with a Canadian accent. In fact, Martin just brought back 15 liters of North Country maple syrup from his native Ottawa / Gatineau. “We use the syrup on a lot of dishes, including our...
Where there’s a will – and a little exposed flesh — there’s a way. Model Maria Fernanda Vargas has become the first woman elected mayor of the city of Simon Bolivar, near Guayaquil. Running under the Revolución Ciudadana party banner, Fernanda funded her campaign by selling risque photos on an adult online platform and offers...
By Arthur Chadwick For many years, developing countries have promoted ecotourism as a way for indigenous people to make a living without cutting down the forests. Ecuador is particularly rich in biodiversity and has set aside 23 percent of its land in national parks, reserves, refuges, and recreation. In addition, the government pays private land...
President Guillermo Lasso Thursday reshuffled his cabinet after losing last Sunday’s referendum and local elections to the left. The center-right head of state said he was bringing “some fresh air” to his administration by changing the government minister and two of his most loyal advisors, in addition to making new appointments where the opposition prevailed....
The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities (Conaie) says it may mount a new national strike in response to what it claims is the government’s failure to comply with agreements reached following the June 2022 strike. Conaie President Leonidas Iza has called a conference of indigenous leaders for February 18 to decide future actions. “The government has...
National Police statistics show that crime is decreasing in Cuenca and Azuay Province, but a private neighborhood group and social media posters claim the opposite is true. Regional Police Commander Hugo Arroyo reported Wednesday that crimes decreased 6% in November and 16% in December over the same months in 2021. He said preliminary numbers show...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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