
By Kevin Bass As a medical student and researcher, I staunchly supported the efforts of the public health authorities when it came to COVID-19. I believed that the authorities responded to the largest public health crisis of our lives with compassion, diligence, and scientific expertise. I was with them when they called for lockdowns, vaccines,...
President Guillermo Lasso has sent the names of eight judges who ordered the release of suspected criminal gang leaders to the Attorney General’s office. “We must remove the bad judges from the court,” he said in his weekly television address Tuesday night. “How can be fight organized crime if certain individuals in our justice system...
By Carol E. Leutner Over the past few years, CuencaHighLife has published several articles on consciousness. They range from a definition of consciousness as a process of self-realization or awareness, to consciousness being fundamental to the perception of physical reality. Most recently, two authors proposed that reaching higher states of consciousness promotes mental and physical...
Newly elected Cuenca Mayor Christian Zamora said Tuesday he will follow through on his campaign pledge to dismantle 32 photo radar units installed at 16 locations in the city. The devices, which were scheduled to be activated next month, are designed to take license plate photos of vehicles exceeding the speed limit and breaking other...
The murdered candidate for mayor of Puerto López, Omar Menéndez, easily won election Sunday. Menéndez, 41, was shot dead by gunmen who burst into the room where he was meeting with campaign workers on Saturday. A teenager who worked with the campaign was also killed in the attack while three others were injured. A spokesman...
By Esme Stallard New data shows that 2022 was the fifth hottest year for Europe since records began. But scientists are warning that 2023 could be even warmer, as a climate phenomenon called La Niña — which has been suppressing global temperatures — comes to an end and a possible El Niño, which raises water...
The Citizen Revolution is back! That was the message Ecuadorians woke up to Monday morning as the followers of former president Rafael Correa celebrated election victories in the country’s largest cities and provinces. “We are poised to return the government to the people after Sunday’s fabulous victories,” Correa tweeted from Mexico, where he followed election...
By Stephen Vargha The Municipal Museum of Modern Art has a long and colorful past. Of course, the Catholic church had a big part in it. It started with Cuenca’s Archbishop Bishop Miguel León y Garrido, who saw a lot of people were drinking and lying on the streets, trash from the taverns, and generally...
By Noor Al-Sibai In what‘s perhaps an attempt to head off bad press — or, at very least, convince people he’s not the bad guy — OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has given Forbes an interview in which he claims that his for-profit company is ultimately going to bring about capitalism’s downfall. First, some context. Altman, who...
With almost all votes counted, municipal councilman Christian Zamora has defeated Pedro Palacios for mayor of Cuenca. Palacios will continue a 20-year tradition of one-term mayors in the city. In the race for Azuay Province prefect, Juan Cristóbal Lloret has narrowly defeated former Cuenca mayor Marcelo Cabrera. Cabrera had been the favorite in the race...
Omar Menéndez, a candidate for mayor of Puerto López, died from bullet wounds Saturday night, the apparent victim of a political assassination. Representing the Revolución Ciudadana movement, Menéndez was considered one of the favorites in his race. An unidentified 16-year-old also died in the 8 p.m.attack at Menéndez campaign headquarters in the Manabí Province fishing...
By Liam Higgins Father César Cordero of Cuenca died Saturday morning at age 95. Easily the best-known Catholic priest in Ecuador and one of the most decorated in Latin America, he was accused in 2010 of being a “sexual monster” who raped and abused more than 50 boys and was subsequently defrocked by the Vatican....

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Amazon eco lodge News