
Venezuela and Colombia reopened the last stretch of their shared border Sunday after settling a diplomatic dispute that had kept it closed for years. Cars honked and passengers waved flags as vehicles with license plates from the two South American countries traversed the Atanasio Girardot bridge — previously blocked by shipping containers amid high tensions....
Lunes, 2/1/2023   Hola, Todos – Actividades – Titular –  El año se abre con devoción (Year opens with devotion) – The fiesta of the Virgen de la Nube, patron saint of Azogues, was attended by thousands of faithful yesterday. The celebration included a mass and a 3 hour procession through the streets of Azogues....
By Ananta Agarwal As Ecuador and China move closer towards sealing a free-trade agreement, concern is mounting in Washington that the United States is losing influence in Latin America. Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso said early in December that negotiations with China on a bilateral free-trade deal (FTA) were “practically closed”, some 10 months after talks...
Cuenca’s Mariscal La Mar Airport will receive certification for international flights in February or March, according to airport management. The airport has passed the most critical tests for certification and the last stages of the review should be completed within three months, says Ítalo Mogrovejo, director of Infrastructure Operations at the airport. The first international...
Editor’s note: This is the fourth article in a four-part series “Saving the World – One Ecosystem at a Time.” By John Keeble Rene Rivas is an expert in repairing the damage that waves of human agriculture have done to wildlife habitats and ecosystems. Under his skilled care, cruelly damaged environments can be restored in...
Former police officer Germán Cáceres was arrested Friday night in Colombia and charged with the September murder of his wife at a police training facility in Quito. Acknowledging the arrest, President Guillermo Lasso said “the most wanted man in Ecuador will soon face the full force of the law.” Cáceres disappeared September 12, the day...
By Marcos Aleman Nine months into a state of emergency declared by President Nayib Bukele to fight street gangs, El Salvador has seen more than 1,000 documented human rights abuses and about 90 deaths of prisoners in custody. And Bukele’s popularity ratings have soared. For decades, El Salvador’s main street gangs, Barrio 18 and the...
Editor’s note: This is the third of a four-part series “Saving the World – One Ecosystem at a Time.” Next, Article 4: “The human dimension of successful conservation.” By John Keeble The beauty of nature affects people deeply – especially Ecuador’s rare and stunning birds. “I have seen people cry with real joy when they...
Military and police commanders from Ecuador and Colombia signed an agreement Wednesday to implement a plan to contain drug trafficking and organized crime on their shared border. Colombia and Ecuador share a porous border that stretches some 586 kilometers, where criminal gangs and illegal armed groups engage in smuggling and drug trafficking. The plan, set...
By David Robert Grimes For purveyors of snake oil, January is an especially lucrative month. Fresh from our festive excesses, our bodily insecurities are readily exploited by those looking to make a quick buck from a worthless ware. Recent months has already seen the unedifying sight of a Kardashian pushing a “flat-tummy” shake to her...
By Brad Haynes Dramatic elections in Brazil, Chile and Colombia brought leftist governments into power across much of Latin America in 2022, capping the region’s second “pink tide” in two decades. However, their struggles amid stubborn economic headwinds suggest the wave may have crested. An anti-incumbent streak that lifted the left could soon swing major...
Almost 12,000 Ecuadorians were detained at the U.S. border in November for entering the country illegally, the highest number in almost 15 years. Although poverty and lack of employment continue to be the primary motivation for migration, experts say that violence in coastal provinces is also sending many Ecuadorians north. “The numbers have increased rapidly...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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