
A security expert calls it “unbelievable” that the presidential candidates in the August cross death election don’t have better ideas about fighting crime. “Crime and violence are the number one issue on voters’ minds and none of the candidates have strong positions about confronting the crisis,” says Fernando Carrión, a former police investigator and security...
President Guillermo Lasso and the Ministry of Defense have labelled as false claims by two criminal gangs that a ‘truce’ agreement has been reached with the government to reduce violence. In a video posted Wednesday night, the Los Choneros gang said that Ecuador’s National Police and military have agreed to a “truce” following the assassination...
By Gabriel Diaz Campenella  Suicide is a significant concern in Uruguay, with experts and statistics confirming a gradual increase over the past two decades. In 2022, 823 Uruguayans, approximately two people per day, tragically took their own lives, resulting in a rate of 23 suicides per 100,000 inhabitants, more than double the regional average of...
Miércoles, 26/7/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Historia y cine en la Casa de las Posadas (History and cinema at the Casa de las Posadas) – The Dirección de Cultura de Cuenca has prepared a series of events for those who enjoy history, film and the arts. The exhibit, ‘La agonía de Bolívar’ by painter...
Under mounting pressure from scientific researchers, the Galapagos Governing Council is considering increasing the entry fee to the islands with the intent of limiting tourism. The Council, however, is receiving strong push-back from the islands’ tourist businesses. Galapagos National Park and Charles Darwin Research Station biologists say increasing numbers of tourists are putting a strain...
Although she believes the Citizens Revolution will “return in force” after the cross death elections, Rafael Correa’s sister, Pierina Correa, acknowledges it will face “serious challenges” implementing its programs. “Because of the short period the new Assembly and government will serve, we need to win the 2025 election as well to regain the homeland and...
By Anna-Catherine Brigida and Eliana Raszewski As Argentina’s inflation rate soared past 100% and the value of the currency slid, IT worker Luis, 33, found an economic lifeline: renting out his apartment on Airbnb for coveted dollars and finding a way to hide his earnings from the tax authorities. Luis’s apartment in Buenos Aires brings in around $800...
Order has been restored to Guayaquil’s Litoral Penitentiary, Interior Minister Juan Zapata announced Tuesday afternoon. Earlier, a combined force of 2,700 National Police and Army personnel stormed the prison which had been the scene of three days of deadly rioting. Zapata said that 31 bodies have been recovered from three prison pavilions where the Los...
Ecuador’s government has declared a state of emergency in Manabi and Los Ríos Provinces as its ongoing security crisis escalated over the weekend with the killing of a mayor and uprisings in several prisons across the country. The emergency declaration also applies to the city of Durán, east of Guayaquil, which has been a hotspot...
Lunes, 24/7/2023 Hola, Todos – Actividades – De El Mercurio del domingo, 23/7 (1 article): Braulio Coronel, Especializado en fuego y asados brinda talleres prácticos (Braulio Coronel, specialist in fire and barbecues, offers practical workshops) – Professional chef Braulio Coronel studied in the Instituto San Isidro de Cuenca and specialized in asados with Argentine chef...
Although Cuenca Citizen Guard have conducted at least three operations to remove informal vendors in the area of Nueve de Octobre mercado and Rotary Plaza, the sellers return. That’s the complaint of store owners and registered vendors who pay rent at Nueve de Octobre. “It is good that they make them move but it does...
Manta Mayor Agustín Intriago died Sunday afternoon following an armed attack at a public project inauguration ceremony. According to police, a female employee of the mayor’s office was also killed, and two others were injured by the gunfire. The National Police command reports that one of the suspected shooters, injured in a shootout with Intriago’s...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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