
By Alys Davies Finnish PM Sanna Marin has said Europe is “not strong enough” to stand up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on its own, and has had to rely on U.S. support. During a visit to Australia, the leader of the pending Nato member said Europe’s defences must be strengthened. “I must be brutally...
By Sally Romero When a prominent Mexican businessman last year criticized women for balancing careers and families, it seemed a step backward for equality in Latin America. Women “are doing badly because they want to do everything”, Ricardo Salinas Pliego, owner of Elektra, the Mexican electronics company and TV Azteca, the broadcaster, said at a...
Due to a rapid increase in cases of respiratory disease, the National Emergency Operations Committee has reinstated the mask mandate for enclosed areas, including public transportation. In Wednesday’s announcement, COE President Juan Zapata said the order is aimed at controlling the spread of seasonal flu as well as Covid-19. “At this point, influenza is putting...
Miércoles, 7/12/2022   Hola, Todos  Titular – Subir defensas es fácil y tiene receta sencilla (Boosting defenses is easy and has a simple recipe) – In the more than 2 years of the pandemic, peoples’ immune systems have been affected by a sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition, and the after-effects of having been infected with Covid-19. Because of...
By Vanessa Buschschlüter Peru has a female president for the first time, after ex-president Pedro Castillo was impeached, hours after he tried to dissolve parliament. Dina Boluarte – previously the vice-president – was sworn in after a dramatic day in Lima on Wednesday. Earlier in the day, Mr Castillo had said he was replacing Congress...
According to several experts, President Guillermo Lasso faces a stern challenge to win “yes” answers to his eight referendum questions. The questions will be included on the February sectional election ballot. “The circumstances of this referendum are very different than the referendums presented by [former presidents] Correa and Moreno,” says Williám Méndez, University of Guayaquil...
By Thomas Dean Hogan Sometimes I marvel at the country we have chosen to retire to, though not simply because of its stunning natural wonders­ and its almost perfect climate. No, there are many more fascinating aspects to life here that I know you will agree merit both mention and more attention so please humor...
By John Keeble Cuenca expat Jean McCord, caught in limbo between Cuenca’s hospitals before being helped by Ecuadorian and expat communities, is recovering from surgery and beginning the long road back to full health. Her experience is a warning for every expat. She said of her ordeal: “I have been healthy throughout most of my...
Lunes, 5/12/2022   Hola, Todos – Titular – La luz de Navidad ya brilla en Cuenca (Christmas light already shines in Cuenca) – The 41 m. high Christmas tree was lit on la noche de domingo in the Parque Miraflores with at least 5,000 in attendance. In addition to the tree with its 22,000 mini-lights...
By Susan L. Hart Twenty-plus years of traveling and living abroad have taught me that the world is full of surprises, and it’s the incongruous bits you discover in unexpected corners of it that are the real travel treasures. This was absolutely the case this past November 30th! I was privileged to be part of...
By Andrea Michelson With all the factors that may impact gut health, it can be hard to know what’s causing stomach troubles and potentially affecting long-term wellness. In a recent TikTok video via Houston Methodist hospital system, gastroenterologist Dr. Neeharika Kalakota shared a few simple rules of thumb she follows to maintain a healthy gut....
The Education Ministry announced Sunday that public schools in Latacunga would be open on Monday despite increasing activity at the Cotopaxi volcano. Latacunga is located 16 kilometers from the volcano and has experienced frequent episodes of moderate ashfall in recent weeks. “We are in continuous contact with the geologists at the Geophysical Institute and have...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Fund Grace News