
Editor’s note: This is Part 4 of a five-part series, the Five Faces of Freedom, recounting the author’s reflections on turning 70. Part 1 focused on Freedom from the Past, Part 2, on Freedom from the Future, Part 3, Freedom from the World and Part 4, Freedom from the Self. We conclude our series by...
Farmers across New Zealand took to the streets on their tractors Thursday to protest government plans to tax cow burps and other greenhouse gas emissions, although the rallies were smaller than many had expected. Lobby group Groundswell New Zealand helped organize more than 50 protests in towns and cities across the country, the biggest involving...
By Amanda Herbert and David Woodworth Long before it became a viral food trend or social-media sensation, American sourdough was surprisingly gross. San Franciscans proudly trace their city’s iconic bread back to the Gold Rush of 1849. The men who flocked to Northern California in search of gold made bread in their wilderness camps not...
By Hugh Bronstein Ecuador has long been a major exporter of big bulbed, colorful flowers that please the eye and the nose. Now its farmers are exploring a new idea — roses that you can eat. Restaurants from New York to Barcelona, looking to attract customers with novelty dishes, have started to serve food containing...
Although the government and indigenous organizations have not reached a final agreement on fuel subsidies, the two sides agree on most of the exclusions. These would be based on income of the driver and the size and number of vehicles owned. The disagreement centers on the eligibility of the commercial fishing fleet and shrimp producers,...
By Michael F. Roizen, M.D. Take a moment to visualize your favorite place in the world that requires you to walk up an incline. Maybe it’s the Spanish Steps in Rome or the Potala Palace in Tibet. Or maybe it’s a serene hill in your local park. Or the top row of your favorite team’s...
Editor’s note: This is Part 4 of a five-part series, the Five Faces of Freedom, recounting the author’s reflections on turning 70. Part 1 focused on Freedom from the Past, Part 2, on Freedom from the Future, Part 3, Freedom from the World. Human beings are a fascinating species, a rapidly evolving species. You might...
By David Farley Nomads have gotten a short shrift in history. As Anthony Sattin writes in his new book, “Nomads: The Wanderers Who Shaped Our World”: “People who live with walls and monuments, who have written most of history, have failed to find meaning in or to recognize the value of the lighter, more mobile,...
Political analysts and some administration officials say the Constitutional Court’s decision Thursday to throw out two of eight referendum questions is a devastating blow to President Guillermo Lasso. The judges ruled that questions that would allow the armed forces to assist police in the fight against organized crime and anther that would have reduced the...
Editor’s note: This is Part 3 of a five-part series, the Five Faces of Freedom, recounting the author’s reflections on turning 70. Part 1 focused on Freedom from the Past, Part 2 on Freedom from the Future. When I was quite young I received a card from an older and wiser friend. Inside the card...
Cuenca streets turned to rivers Friday afternoon, flooding cars and buses and suspending tram service as a series of strong thunderstorms moved through the area. In neighborhoods on the city’s west and southwest side, accumulations of hail collapsed roofs and clogged building drains. At two underpasses on Av. Las Americas, firemen carried elderly bus passengers...
Negotiations between the government and indigenous groups ended Thursday without an agreement on the biggest issue of the 90-day talks, fuel subsidies. Both sides agree progress was made during the negotiations, the government expressing more optimism about the results than indigenous leaders. According to most negotiators, the two sides will meet again in the coming...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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