
By Mary Harrington In 1954, Russian scientists successfully grafted the still-living head of a puppy onto an existing adult dog. I recently stumbled on a photo of the resulting horror which I think will haunt me forever. But why is it upsetting? Those untroubled by bourgeois moral shibboleths would probably explain their instinctive revulsion to...
By Carlos Calderón A couple of years ago, a recently arrived expat who I had only met a few days earlier asked if I could arrange a meeting for him with then-President Lenin Moreno. He knew that I had been a consultant to the government on an archaeological project and that I had joint Ecuadorian...
By Rachel Fairbank Many of us regularly wear an activity tracker, which counts the number of steps we take in a day. Based on these numbers, it can be hard to make sense of what they might mean for our overall health. Is it just the overall number of steps in a day that matter,...
The feud between President Guillermo Lasso and the National Assembly reached a fevered pitch Monday when the Assembly voted overwhelmingly to condemn Lasso’s management of the government. “The president has abandoned his responsibilities of governance and is doing nothing to carry out the national plan,” Assemblywoman Mireya Pazmiño claimed. The vote against Lasso was followed...
Miércoles, 5/10/2022 Hola, Todos – I seem to be in taking time off mode. I will be off from Monday, 10/10 through Monday, 24/10 and back on Wednesday, 26/10. Actividades – Obras de 90 artistas se expondrán en Cuenca (Works by 90 artists to be exhibited in Cuenca) – The Bienal Nomade of contemporary art...
By Manuela Andreoni The world’s forests are increasingly threatened and the main thing keeping some of them alive are the people, many of them Indigenous, standing up against those who want to clear the land. Today, I want to explain why life is becoming increasingly dangerous for forest defenders and other environmental activists. In the...
Ecuador’s Constitutional Court ruled Tuesday that key provisions of the National Assembly’s new communication law are unconstitutional. The ruling followed President Guillermo Lasso’s partial veto and his request that the legislation be reviewed by the court. The ruling sends the law back to the Assembly with orders to make revisions to comply with constitutional guarantees...
In a Monday night, television interview, President Guillermo Lasso said that the Covid-19 pandemic has ended in Ecuador. “Thanks to the strong national response and the effectiveness or our vaccination campaign, we can finally declare that the pandemic is behind us,” he said. “I think we all look forward to pre-pandemic normality.” Lasso said that...
By Nidhi Saha Alcohol abstinence increases the risk for dementia in later life, according to a recent study published in the journal Addiction. The researchers do not dispute other findings that alcohol consumption adversely affects brain health and can lead to systemic problems, such as metabolic diseases and certain cancers; what they say is that...
One of Ecuador’s highest profile prisoners died Monday in a riot at the Cotopaxi penitentiary in Latatcunga. Deputy Director of Prisons Jorge Flores confirmed the death of convicted drug trafficker Leandro ‘El Patrón’ Norero. In addition to Norero, at least 14 other prisoners were killed in the riot. On Peru’s “most wanted” list for seven...
Lunes, 3/10/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – Nothing I can find; have a boring week. Titular – Brasil, a reñida segunda vuelta (Brazil, a close second round) – See story in today’s CHL. Cuenca – Azuay tiene 86 candidatos a alcaldes (Azuay has 86 mayoral candidates) – There are 86 mayoral candidates for the 15...
By Liam Higgins When Dashi Ergys was shot to death in an upscale Guayaquil restaurant in January, the media provided little information about him other than that he was Albanian. Despite the fact that he appeared to be specially targeted, many people assumed he was a tourist who happened to be in the wrong place...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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