
Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities President Leonidas Iza claimed Tuesday that the government is going back on earlier fuel subsidy agreements in negotiations with indigenous organizations. “We are within 20 days of completing the talks and the government is revoking some of its commitments, including ones about fuel subsidies for the poor,” he said. “It is...
By David Leonhardt A single country has accounted for about 80 percent of the fishing in the international waters just off Argentina, Ecuador and Peru this year. And it is not a South American country. It is China. In recent years, hundreds of Chinese fishing vessels have begun to operate almost 24 hours a day,...
By Carrie Dennett Back in August, I wrote about how I wouldn’t promote the Mediterranean diet like I used to. One reason is that the heavy emphasis on this way of eating – although delicious and nutritious – rejects other traditional ways of eating. also It’s delicious and nutritious, but it hasn’t benefited from being...
Despite the dismissal of the Interior Minister, two police commanders and at least 10 officials at the Quito police academy where attorney María Belén Bernal was murdered Sept 12, it remains unclear how the government plans to reorganize the National Police. Following his firing of Interior Minister Patricio Carrillo, whose ministry manages the police, President...
Lunes, 26/9/2022 Hola, Todos – Actividades – From el Mercurio del sábado, 24/9: Experiencia y sabiduría a la pasarela (Experience and wisdom on the catwalk) – The Centro de Atención de Adulto Mayor (CAAM), part of the IESS in Azuay, is presenting a fashion parade, “Fashion Gold Age.” The show is being staged to commemorate...
By Shafik Meghji In a stretch of the Bolivian Amazon known as the Llanos de Moxos, the sultry port of Loma Suárez takes its name from a notorious rubber baron who built a mansion and ranch beside a loma (hill) overlooking the Ibare River. During the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, Nicolás Suárez and...
Supporters of Luca Pallanca are protesting the Azuay Electoral Board’s decision to disqualify him as a Cuenca mayoral candidate based on what they claim is a “minor technicality.” Following last week’s filing deadline for candidates for mayor, prefect and other local offices, the election board disqualified Pallanca, saying he is not registered to vote in...
Hola, Todos – Actividades – Del periodico de jueves, 22/9/2022: Muestra recoge la vida y obra de los “Clásicos de la pintura” (Exhibition shows the life and work of the “Classics of painting”) – There will be a show of paintings by Julio Montesinos with large scale portraits of women, and ceramics; and with water...
By Michael Lee Large Chinese drug networks are helping fuel the U.S. fentanyl crisis, a situation Beijing has little incentive to combat amid deteriorating relations with Washington. “Since approximately 2013, China has been the principal source of the fentanyl flooding America’s illicit drug market,” according to Craig Singleton, a senior fellow at the nonpartisan Foundation...
City officials are claiming Cuenca’s tram system is a rousing success two years after service began. They also admit that reaching one of its major goals, integration of service with municipal buses, remains elusive. In a series of radio and television interviews this week, tram director Jorge Moscoso and other city officials have provided updates...
Many of the healthy guidelines you live by might actually be myths. Last week, the rule that you need to get in 10,000 steps per day made news when it was reported that the number was actually a Japanese marketing ploy with little scientific basis. It’s hardly the only health fact that’s actually a fiction,...
Ecuador President Guillermo Lasso said Wednesday that the murder of Quito lawyer María Belén Bernal, 34, caused him “deep pain and indignation” and vowed that her killing would not go unpunished. Lasso offered the comments shortly after authorities announced they had located Bernal’s body in a wooded area north of Quito. Bernal disappeared 11 days...

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The Cuenca Dispatch

Week of September 15

The Massive Blackout of September 2024.

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Getting Rid of Verónica Abad: The Conflict the Government is Racing to Resolve.

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Puerto Cabuyal: the commune that protects a marine reserve in Ecuador.

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Fund Grace News

Amazon eco lodge News